[UKGov] InterContinental Summit

Day 1,077, 15:54 Published in United Kingdom North Macedonia by Foreign Office
Tomorrow cabinet members from several countries will be leaving their desks to attend the InterCon eSummit – November 2010, which will be hosted by the eUnited Kingdom. The “InterContinental” eSummit has been devised to strengthen UK relationships with its allies but the most important thing, is that we are going to have the opportunity to have a direct reciprocal feedback, having the chance not only to learn new systems, foreign institutional structure but to really understand what our allies problems are, their current economic situation, deficits and to meet solutions as a team.

What we have to say to our special guests and public, is to make the most of this meeting.

This time we have invited to a neutral country, eVenezuela, which is not a Phoenix member yet but it’s clearly a non-official ally. We’ve been having smooth relations with them since June, and this is the end of our 5th term having a diplomatic mission in their country so what better way for them to show their friendship with us  but to join the eUK in this grand event.

The Past eSummit organized as well by the eUK Ministry of Foreign Affairs, having Brazil as our main and only guest, exceeded all our expectations. That’s why eBrazil is joining us once again to take part in the InterCon.

Evidently, our country has many more friends and allies to share our ideas  with so we are honored to invite eIndonesia on this special occasion. Time difference is huge, but they will make its best to be there.

Another South American country is joining us this time; we are pleased to have eArgentina as our guest as well.
Last but not least, a good ally that is one of our closest neighbours, France.

We aim to have many more of these summits with our other fantastic allies and friends from Phoenix and beyond.

The Summit will take place at 5pm UK time on the 2nd of November in #intercon. Everyone is welcome although only the government members will speak, however we may a have a quick Q and A session at the end. For more information about the topics to be discussed see www.intercon.tk

Summit Organiser
John Rupert Miranda

Minister of Foreign Affairs