[UKGov]An Exciting Few Days

Day 1,102, 16:21 Published in United Kingdom North Macedonia by Foreign Office

Yet another exciting few days around the globe, with important battles going on from Europe to South America. Things are definitely looking up for Phoenix, with the previously embattled alliance gaining the upper hand on several key fronts.

Fighting Continues in Germany

The battles in Germany that have gone on in the past few weeks have continued to take up much of the world's attention. In my last report Poland were edging ever closer to the French Capital Paris, however Phoenix dramatically turned the tide, with victories in a resistance war in Alsace removing Poland from French territory and allowing France to launch attacks on Polish occupied Germany and turn the tables on the powerful superpower. Whilst this was going on Italy attempted to wipe newly returned Germany by attacking Bavaria, but their attack was repelled by Phoenix and German forces. Since then France have been marching through Polish occupied Germany, easily taking many of the regions. They started with Saarland, Germany's former fortress region, which has since been resistance warred back to Germany. They then continued on to Hesse and Rhineland Palatinate and earlier today conquered North Rhine Westphalia. However their journey through Polish held German regions has been halted by a resistance war in Lower Saxony and Bremen, although it is likely they will be able to carry on tomorrow. Alongside these Phoenix successes have come successful resistance wars in Thuringia and Saxony-Anhalt, meaning Germany is now returning to the map at a rapid rate, although it will be interesting to see whether the French and German attacks can keep up their momentum, especially as the fighting draws closer to the eastern regions bordering Poland.

France Turns the Tables on Spain

Things were not looking good for France earlier this week, with Spain pushing through Southern France at a ferocious rate, taking many regions including the symbolically and economically important high stone regions of Aquitane and Rhone Alps. France were looking in serious danger when the Loire Valley, the gateway to Paris,was attacked causing fears of a repeat of what happened at the beginning of the year where Spain took Paris and went on to conquer the entirety of France. France managed to secure the region after a closely fought battle and they immediately attacked Limousin and the Rhone Alps, both of which were won easily. They then moved on Languedoc Rousillon and Aquitane which also fell, although there was a strong counter attack by Spain on Aquitane yesterday, but in the end France managed to secure the region and then secured Midi-Pyrenees. The remaining Spanish held regions were retaken through RWs, meaning France is now whole again and earlier today attacked the Spanish region of Navarra, alongside a Brazilian attack on Andalucia, meaning there could be a repeat of this months earlier attempted invasion of Spain in the coming days.

Russia Reclaims More Regions

Russia has reclaimed more regions from Poland, after they gained a majority in the PTO threatened congressional elections which alongside their babyboom means that they are slowly returning to something near their status pre V2. They relatively easily won resistance wars in the minor regions of Northern Russia and Leningrad Oblast and then started a resistance war in Western Siberia, which they are currently leading 3-0. If they win in WSR then Poland will be reduced to just one Russian region, the highly populated Moscow and Central Russia although they will probably attempt to remove Poland from Russia entirely in the coming days, leaving EDEN with just the heavily fortified Chinese held region of Eastern Siberia.

Battles in the British Isles

The UK has carried on with the attacks on Ireland and the Canadian held regions in the North it started on earlier in the week, although the results have been mixed. The UK managed to resistance war the key Irish high grain region, North Dakota, which is their only real form of income back to the USA and due to the removal of the retreat rule they will never be able to get it back. Things were less good in Irish original regions, where we lost many of our captured regions to the USA, Canada and to resistance wars and also lost Northern Ireland to Canada. The USA lost a key battle in the South East of England that could have led to a battle of London heavily, with the UK winning 8-0, although earlier today the UK failed to retake the East Midlands and Shannon from Canada. This front looks to be quietening down a bit, with focus turning to mainland Europe, but it could easily flare up again at any time.

Hungary Invade Ukraine

A couple of days ago Hungary declared war on the former Phoenix nation, regarded by many as traitors after they elected a Pro Romanian government and joined EDEN. This has now come back to bite, with EDEN not prioritising any of the Ukrainian battles until it was too late for their damage to make a significant impression on the battles. Hungary started with an attack on Subcarpathia, which they narrowly lost and were promptly counter attacked in Southern Great Plain, which they secured easily. A second attack on Subcarpathia was successful and was followed up by an attack on Galicia and Lodomeria, bordering the crucial Ukrainian high iron region of Podolia, which is almost certainly the aim of Hungary's assault. Galicia fell after a closely fought battle and Hungary attacked Podolia and although the battle is in its early stages it looks like Hungary may have the upper hand.

The Rest
-Portugal managed to easily stave off a PTO, with EDEN mainly focused on Russia, where they were also defeated.
- Chile have repeatedly attacked their neighbour, Peru, possibly for its high iron in the Great Andes region however it may be just to bring some excitement to this normally quiet region.
- Argentina have attacked EDEN backed Bolivia after they managed to resistance war the former Argentinian high stone region of Bolivian Altiplano and are currently winning fairly easily.

That's it for today, there'll be further updates during next week.

Minister of Foreign Affairs