[UK] To better understand allies - retrospective

Day 608, 11:24 Published in United Kingdom Romania by Mistwalker

Good evening to all

First off I would like to congratulate PEACE on acquiring a new ally in the UK, seriously it's the best thing that could happen to the rest of the world that's not in PEACE... I hope you all have fun exchanging culture, ways to run politics and get along better with your neighbours - I take my hat off you and lol.

And I would also like to congratulate UK on their new position in world politics, even if it means using all 4 limbs it suits you for a change and still leaves you open to talks in and talks back.

To finish this wishing well post-card I would like to tell you a short anecdote that came to mind just a few minutes ago when I finished reading your media and put out my cigarrette:

Once upon a time there was a big war between two older and more straightforward countries called Indonesia and Romania. Now these countries had trouble defending territories because of wicked RW's and atacks from smaller countries and couldn't keep from fighting on all fronts. To prevent this thing from going bad one of these countries Indonesia used one of its puppet states Irun to swap territories, or was it the other way around? No matter.

The thing in eRepublik is that every time a good ideea comes up, everyone starts using it, so on the other side this country called Romania also started using territory swap helped by Norway. A good, inteligent, and clever move that helped save a lot of gold and useless fights. The only thing these two countries didn't count on was the propaganda that PEACE started spewing forth about those that helped Romania.

Do you know what Hungary called Norway and Poland and everyone that helped Romania? SLAVES. That's right 😁 slave countries. Now naturally not everyone shared in their views as they were just allies helping a friend in need.But it seems Hungary sees such countries as slaves, worth little yet worthy of being TO'ed. About the Hungarian TO part that rips apart countries and destroys economies I'll let those that tasted the brunt of it elaborate 🙂

F U N N Y thing now is that it's happening again you see ? France atacks Canada, takes two regions and then swaps them to the UK. It's a very clever move, since Hungary has a foothold in Scotland if Canada would ever be to fall and lose all MPP's Hungary can take back the Canadian regions from the UK, it's what slaves... err friends do to help each other no? 😃

I'm still amazed as to how blind some people can be but I guess we might as well be used to the UK being the slave of Hungary and of course let's not forget France. After all France has ever been Englands best ally. (breaks down in laughter)

Aaaah the indignity of it all - written from a Hungarian view point.


Signing off and going back to my vacation.