[UK MoD Extra] More on Norway and updates

Day 2,154, 03:00 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Max Blue
Hi all, as you might know Schmidt Bogdan and myself were appointed joint Ministers of Defence by Bohemond4. We have been keeping the MoD newspaper up to date and I urge you to check it out for the latest news and battle priorities. This is the second 'MoD extra' I am publishing as there is more to be said, and I don't want to over do it with the MoD paper. I would like to bring those that are interested, a little more MoD news, without those that don't being spammed.

Military unit Commanders, 2IC's and Captains receive a mass message updating them on military events and battle priorities. I have been offering people outside the above group the opportunity to opt into these messages. I have waited a long time as I want to include as many as possible and today I have sent out the messages. My laptop restarted and the notepad I originally had the names on was lost, however I believe I have included most, if not all of those interested. (If your name was lost, or you would also like to get these messages add me as a friend and sent me a message notifying me of this.

On to Norway this morning we closed the battle with Norway, wiping Norway from the map. This is a great achievement and the UK is very greatful to all those non-UKers who fought alongside us to help us secure victory. I would also like to personally thank Alan Warwickshire. Alan is a Brit who delt over 250 million damage in this final battle. That is 250,000,000 damage! Alan is not well known for being a tank, despite his high strength level. It just goes to show anyone can rise to the level of war hero.

Thank you Carlini8; exPresident, exMoF and highly intelligent player. Thank you Mick Cain; long term Royal Navy member and member of the social module. Thank you FragUK; one of the greatest MoD's this country has ever had and well known super tank. Thank you Douglas Mckeever; man of the people and jack-of-all-trades in training. Thank you to all who fought during the of peak UK times, and when our wall was at less than 55%.

As you might have seen, the MoD newspaper is getting a lot of views. I would like to increase this and help educated the fighting force further. I am looking to create some informative graphics that educate and entice people at a glance. Anyone who has a bit of skill and time please get in touch because you could have your graphics in the MoD newspaper and in some cases your graphics in every forseeable MoD article.