[UK MoD Extra] Ireland/Louth, TWO Objective No.1 and Montenegro

Day 2,164, 11:02 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Max Blue

Schmidt Bogdan and myself are joint Ministers of Defence, we have been keeping the MoD newspaper up to date and I urge you to check it out for the latest news and battle priorities. This is the eighth 'MoD extra' I am publishing, I do these as there is more to be said on top of what goes into the MoD newspaper. I don't want to over do it with the MoD paper and I would like to bring those that are interested, a little more MoD news, without those that don't being spammed.


The UK has successfully taken Louth. Thank you to all our allies who fought for us - it is much appreciated! Thank you to all the Brits that fought; to the super tanks who handed out staggering amounts of damage, but equally to those that stayed online to hit multiple times. All of these contributions made the result we have today and we should not forget it.

Louth means we now have a fruit resource and all UK citizens will now get more Food Raw Materials and Food from working in these companies. There are no other resources to be gained in Ireland and peace with Ireland will be proposed shortly. However if there are any other battles that pop up with Ireland we need to win them. We do not want to lose any regions to Ireland either before or after peace is finalised (after being by resistance war).

The UK is a step further to being able to go on the offensive elsewhere...

TWO Objective No.1

TWO wants to deny as many of its opponents congress as possible. This means wiping as many Cirle of Trust (CoT) members, proCoT nations and ASGARD nations as possible.

The UK has gone after Vestlandet and has proposed a Natural Enemy law against Norway (Norway has responded by doing the same). The UK is more powerful than Norway and it is likely the UK will wipe Norway and deny them congress. Now this alone isn't that great, removing congress doesn't cripple a nation but it does negatively affect a nation.

True Romania holds the rest of Norway, and it would be easy for them to wipe Norway. However holding Vestlandet does open the door to negotiations with other UK allies. As a result it might be possible to get our hands on a deer region and bridge it to our capital (the bridge allows the new, unique resource to deliver a bonus).

If, and it is a if, Romania let us take some Norwegian regions from them and Latvia allows us to take one of their (originally Swedish) deer regions this would be possible. Being connected to the UK capital it would provide a bonus to the UK Food/FRM production and would be quite a coup. However lets not get to carried away yet...


Long term UK ally: Montenegro, has been given the go ahead to airstrike (AS) an Albanian region of what used to be India. The UK is passing a Mutual Protection Pact (MPP) with Montenegro meaning we can fight alongside them in their campaign. This is good for the UK as it provides an extra battle we can fight in (especially as things have been rather quiet on the MPPed warfare front), keeps our citizens engaged with the game and it shows the UK is pulling its weight in our alliance (TWO).