[UK Gov] The eUK Needs You!

Day 1,210, 16:25 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Welcome Centre

This is an official UK Government article. Please vote and subscribe.

Members of the eUK, greetings!

I write to you again as this month’s Minister of Recruitment (MoR),

Some of you will remember an article a week ago introducing this term’s big public recruitment scheme. I urge all of you to have a go at this, the potential benefits to the eUK are huge!

The Forum Plan

The month’s big plan to try and recruit:

As members of an internet community, we may well have other forum sites that we frequent and post on. My proposal is simple- we create a recruitment thread on every forum we usually use, so long as it doesn't break any of their rules. (Some have a problem with referral links, for example.)

If everyone that reads this can think of just one or two other forums they post on, and talk to the other posters there about eRep, the potential is huge. I ran a test run yesterday on a forum I use, that has about 500 active posters during a week. So far three people have made the jump, and I’ve kept in contact with them via PMs to help them and keep them interested.

Make sure you are known on the forums you do this with though; otherwise your thread might be classed as spam and deleted. Please have a go, the eUK needs your help!

While you’re at it, you might want to tell them about the eUK’s forums too- join up if you haven’t already, they’re great!

Forums- they add enjoyment to the game!

Also, don’t forget it’s the Party President elections tomorrow, make sure you remember to vote, you get to have a say in who leads your party, and you get XP for voting too!

That’s it for the MoR’s second weekly update, please feel free to PM me with any questions or suggestions, and as ever please vote and sub- we’ve got this org for the month to get the message out!

Talon Karrde, eUK Minister of Recruitment.