[UK] A Balanced Point of View

Day 905, 06:41 Published in United Kingdom Belgium by Gibberish45
Without knowing every detail regarding the recent upheaval over Welshlad/PaddyoHale I will offer this humble Belgian congressman's opinion regarding the matter that has been the focus of late.

The UK has proposed a symbolic trade embargo against Belgium. The embargo will mean nothing if passed anyway since UK has a 99% import tax on everything. It simply is to express their displeasure with us.

The UK has a right to be upset. Apparently Welshlad was involved with the taking of a state company from the UK. The fact that he returned the company and apologized has done little to mitigate the offended Brit's anger. This is perfectly normal and should not be judged as overreacting.

However, this incident certainly does not justify the bitter article written by the UK's PM calling Belgium "dominated by US congressmen". A quick look at Belgium's congress reveals this to be untrue. The party that controls congress has even been accused by the Americans in Belgium of being friendly to Phoenix. That hardly sounds "American" to me.

The fact is that Belgium reserves the right to appoint anyone it wants to positions in it's government. That does not mean that friendly countries cannot make suggestions. I was removed from the position of Minister of State Companies during the last administration at the request of the eUNL because of my RL citizenship.

While we respect our allies, friends and neighbors we will always be a sovereign nation and make our own decisions. Apotygma was aware of the situation surrounding Welshlad and trusted him regardless. It is his right to do so and I support him in his decision.

While being firm on our sovereign rights, we still love you UK. More than one active Belgian hails from the UK irl or in-game. How about this? In the future, both Belgium and the UK will discuss there differences politely and not publish articles denouncing the other side (both are guilty here)

If we do this we will always be cool.