[UAE Times #4] TOP 10 UAE

Day 1,179, 05:52 Published in United Arab Emirates Portugal by El Manolito

Hi, how are you?

Well, it's been awhile since I do not write what made me miss my readers.
This is my fourth article, I hope that with this I have better luck, because in my first article almost caused an international war with Iran is our brother already my last article was deleted by the admission, the reason: Public debates. For those who do not remember the article had as its theme the farm eRepublik not know how it may have been against the rules of the game, but okay, go ahead and try to be more educated in our discussions.

In today's edition I want to show some lists of the top ten players by category, is an article that does not pretend to just have fun, but also to show value to the players who has been outstanding.

Hope you enjoy, and do not forget to be polite all the time to comment, do not want to have to win another point of punishment.

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