[Tutorial] In Times of War [eng]

Day 529, 05:19 Published in Romania Romania by Soimii Patriei

Citizens of eRomania and honored guests !

With your approval I will publish an article for the new (&old) citizens containing some basic advice to follow in the purpose of increasing our combat effectiveness. VOTE this article for increased visibility and read the following lines, I guarantee you won't be disapointed.

Any war consists both at macro level (country) and micro level (citizen) of 3 stages also involving the fight which I will try to detail in a way that is as easy as possible to understand at citizen level.

0. Intelligence: don't throw yourself head-first into the first battle which shows up in the latest tab until you consider those that will follow in this article.

1. Communication & Team Work

In any fight the orders need to flow and it is the duty of everyone fighting for their homeland to be as receptive as possible towards the targets of the country he's in and help as much as possible those that aren't informed to come out of the darkness:

- subscribe to the Ministry of Defense newspaper and check where the fighting needs to be done each day
- VOTE all articles published there, even if it says they're selling icecream it means that there's something in it that makes enemies sick when they eat it - the more people see it the more our combat effectivenes increases
- add the Ministry of Defense to your friends list and check the shouts coming from there every day
- sacrifice at least one shout each day to pass along the orders coming from the Ministry of Defense
- be careful with those that try to disinform the population: educate yourselves, inform yourselves and ignore the enemies taunting and writing articles and comments in the romanian media. Do not do what they say, do not do the opposite either, simply ignore them. They are easily to recognize, when you click their profile you can see they are usually from other PEACE countries and there are a lot of romanian soldiers calling them out spy/disinformer hungarian/indonesian/Glados etc .

2. Logistics - preparation for battle

2.1 Hospital
Check if you are in an area with Q5 Hospital. Our country has these facilities in the following regions: Podolia, West Siberian Region, Muntenia, Moldova, Transilvania, Banat. The quality of a hospital has a direct impact on the fights/day a citizen can have AND finish the day with 100% wellness. A fight costs 10 wellness and the q5 hospital restores 50 wellness so in this way you can dish out a minimum of 5 fights / day.


Observation 1: Do not form a habbit of fighting and ending the day with 40-50 wellness, there is not always a guarantee that the following day brings another battle and the chance to regenerate wellness at an hour when you can be online.

Observation 2: Podolia is a strategic region of Romania and is currently under threat by Hungary, if you are not in WSR, go to the market, buy a moving ticket and move to Podolia
- when you move between areas of the same country you do not have to resign your job
- market link: http://www.erepublik.com/en/market/country-1-industry-4-quality-0
- relocation link: http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/change-residence
- you only have to move there once 😉

2.2 Gifts
If you have a job or a company that allows you to buy more than the average of 5-6 weapons per day look for a gifting partner. Between fights keep in touch and offer gifts to each other in the equivalent of 10% wellness, it translates into an extra combat each day and every bit of damage can make a difference. 10 gifts cost around 0.5-0.6 gold when you're working with a wing-man, a wellness pack for 10 wellness costs 2 gold if you fly solo.

2.3 Weapons
In case you can't afford to fight using expensive weapons, try to limit yourself to fighting with q1 weapons, 6 fights with q1 are worth more than 2 fights with q3 and 3 fights empy-handed (there is no point in receiving gifting to fight if you have no weapons)

3. The fight proper

Ok, we're getting to the interesting part, the clicking 🙂

We are assuming in this stage that you:
- have weapons/will to fight
- have a clear source of information regarding where and when to fight
- are in a Q5 hospital region (IMPORTANT)
- click to go to the conflict zone, if you used the active war page, click on Go to Battlefield
- use a link from the articles of Ministerul Apararii (ministry of defense) , this is preferable

Let the fun begin! Starting from wellness 90-100:

- Fight no1 -> DMG, wellness drops by 10%
- If you have a gifting partner(s) this is where you exchange gifts
- Fight no2 -> DMG, wellness drops by 10%
- Fight no3 -> DMG, wellness drops by 10%
- Fight no4 -> DMG, wellness drops by 10%
- Fight no5 -> DMG, wellness drops by 10%
- Fight no6 -> DMG, wellness drops by 10%

At this point it's time to stop, when your health is somewhere between 45-55%. Visit the hospital, heal and start making preparations for the next day of fighting, read the press, share what you know with others and express your beliefs, form friendships.

Adde😛 if you have q3-q5 weapons and gold and wish to keep fighting with wellness packs remember that a wellness pack costs 2 gold and restores 10% wellness. After you have exhausted you hospital use capacity and gifting limits (you can only receive 10% wellness in gifts/day) for the day and want to use WP, DON'T fight blindly until you reach 40-50 wellness then start using WP. Fight from 100% wellness to 90% wellness then use a WP and repeat the process, you get A LOT more damage in that way.

This article is a tutorial and its' purpose is to inform and teach others, those that have additional questions or remarks should post them here in comments and next time a FAQ section shall be added.

Also VOTE Romanian version

Thank you for your atention,
With kind regards,
The Homeland Falcons