[TUP] Sir Scott Williamson PP TUP! *New ERA!!*

Day 995, 15:04 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Scott Williamson

**********A NEW ERA***********


Hello Guys,

I am Sir Scott Williamson, Im running for Party President for The Unity Party! I have big plans for the TUP, We need change! New Ideas and a different direction of approach, lets face it our turn-out numbers have dropped alarmingly and our congress results last month were shockingly poor. Many of you will know that I speak my mind and I dont hold back and I feel its time for a new Era for TUP! We ARE the biggest party in eUK and have we forgotten this? Its time to change!!!

I'd Like to add at this moment that - jamesw - will be my vice president if im successful in leading us forward! With new ideas and experienced active members we can be great again!


A major shake up is needed guys, our forums are dead and our irc has never been so inactive! We need a fresh look, new campaigns, new ideas, a new direction and most importantly new blood. I have big plans for TUP ranging from new campaigns to a new party logo. As most of you will know I don't hold back, so I'm going to speak the truth. Many of us will feel frustrated at the moment because V2 is still being ironed out, and as we all know one of the main reasons we play this game and keep coming back is for the community, except this community seems to be dying. We need to re-group, re-think our future and crack on. That is why I don't accept another dull month where there is a distinct lack of action, lack of leadership and lack of community.

Now many of you more experience players will maybe be reading this and thinking this idiot has only been here 5/6 months what does he know, why should I listen to him. Well the fact that know one else has stepped up to the challenge of leading us forward was personally disppointing for me, however this only infuriated me further into action! The fact that Kevy Kev Kev Junior shabado STILL hasnt published a manifesto and hasnt been on irc for 3 days proves that he has no moviation and no idea where to take us next! Leading by example is important so and im sorry but our leader fails to achieve this trait.

So I'm asking you more experienced players and new blood reading this, help me save this party! Vote for me tomorrow and show me your support and enthusiasm!!! Shout it out if you need to!

Vote Sir Scott Williamson


*****A New Era*****

So We all agree it's time for change! Then vote for me, I will direct our party into the new Era of change, we need to re-think our recruitment techniques. We need a massive re-think of the entire party! The last congress results were to be honest crap for a party our size. Im the kind of leader that will fight fire with fire! I promise to inject some life back into our party! we are losing major players on a weekly basis and we need to move now to stop the rot of our great party!

I truly believe that all players old and new should be given a chance to help and succeed within the party, However lets face it, this DOES NOT happen! The Saying is "People with power - are friends of those with power", It means keeping power within a inner circle and not let others have their turn. It's time for this to change.

The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers.


My aims for this term


If I am elected, I will work hard for our glorious party! We are the BIGGEST party in eUK and I think we have forgotton this!

Come on guys we need to re-group and show the eUK that were here to win! and not to simply accept poor results! We need to inject some enthusiasm into the party and thats why I am the right man for the job!

The very essence of leadership is that you have to have vision. You can't blow an uncertain trumpet.
Theodore M. Hesburgh

I will fulfil all expections which come with the job of a PP, I will remain to be actively daily
and continue to support the new players that join our great party everyday. I think its very important that we embrace our new players and allow everyone to have a voice! sometimes new players come up with brilliant new ideas and are left frustrated by the distict lack of voice. I promise
to allow these ideas to be heard!

Every party claims to be friendly and to offer opportunities and encouragement. The truth of the matter is that every party could do with more active and hard working members. TUP is no different. Don’t listen to the people who say that opportunities are only available in smaller parties. It’s simply not the case. You’re actually more likely to get these opportunities as a part of a successful party like TUP.

“It's a new Era at Disney. From now on, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs will be known as Person of No Color and the Seven Vertically Challenged Individuals.”


Lets Move Forward! Let's make the TUP great again! Vote for me!

Thanks For reading 🙂 Stay Classy TUP!

Sir Scott Williamson

Party Presidential Candidate for The Unity Party