[TUP] Logiconor for Northern Ireland

Day 1,341, 11:20 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Logiconor

…so there I was, surrounded by Irishs, armed only with a cucumber and my trusty assault rifle-
Oh, hello there, I was just telling that one about how I managed to get the bus back from Mayo last month.
I suppose you’re here for the manifesto. Well, here you go.

First off, it's good to be home!
Here's the dry stuff, get it over and done with!

> A player since July 2009, I've seen many congress members, presidents, and even political parties come and go. I've seen the slip-ups. I've seen the price. As a congress member, hopefully I can help us avoid them.

> I spent two terms in the Ministry of Home Affairs, one term as an Apprentice in the Entertainment section, and one term as the Underminister for Recruitment. I know what it's like working for the country, and I've done it before.

> I'm an awful dirty socialist, and I honestly believe we should help those who need it through systems like The Unity Food Program.
Without TUFP, many of our younger members may have given up on eRepublik altogether. Experienced players helping those newer players to realise their potential is the only way we'll survive as a nation.

> In terms of foreign policy, I believe we should have access to battles at all times, and we should gain regions with resources where possible. We shouldn't attack regions we can't secure and keep, and we shouldn't attack regions if it'll leave any of our own regions vulnerable. Expansion is nice, but our own land should come first.

I've been based in NI since I started out in eRep, since it's home in real life. It's great to finally be able to run here.
So why vote for me? Why not one of the other candidates in NI?

For one, I'd be a new face to congress, but not to the game. Being new isn't always a bad thing, it gives a chance for new views and ideas to come through. This would be my first congress term, if I'm elected, but don't mistake that as being new to the game. I've played eRepublik for two years now, I know how it works, the basics, the intricacies, the peculiarities.

You could vote for someone who doesn't take part in things, someone who's just in it for the money.
I'm not that person.
Vote for me, and let's try something different.

In closing, please vote for Logiconor in Northern Ireland on election day this month.
If you have any questions, I'll certainly try to answer them as best I can in the comments section.
Thanks for reading!