[TUP] July Official Congress candidates!

Day 977, 16:17 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Unity Party
Official TUP article. Please help us by voting and subbing!

Hello eUK,

Below are the official candidates that we have selected to run in the congress elections on Sunday 25th July. Please consider giving them your vote tomorrow as they are all fantastic candidates

This month I have chosen a mixture of experienced; well known candidates along with some brand new faces. I have continued in the tradition of including a few first timers in our official candidate list. These new faces have shown potential on the forum and I believe that they will do well in the House of Commons if elected.

We in the party believe we represent the majority of the population in the eUK and will always work to use this responsibility for the many rather than the few, working to bring a fairer eUK for all, regardless of in-game age or political allegiance. It was TUP who initiated the British Gifting Hub, the MoHA and government run companies. It’s also TUP who bring free Q3 food to lower level players AND members of the military who are struggling with wellness regardless of which party they belong to. If you have similar ideals then why not join us and contribute to our continuing policy development. YOU are the boss and if you don't like something then come tell us and we'll help to change.

Our official candidates:



This guy is awesome. He was a newcomer to the house of commons last month in Pensive’s term as PP. He has bagfuls of enthusiasm and a solid can do attitude; he has decided to run in London for a second term. He may not be as well known as his candidates but if potential is anything to go by this guy has more than anyone else running in London this month. If you’re in London then give this man your votes so he can continue his great work.

Manifesto Link


Our former party president has tons of experience. He’s been a Minister on several occasions including Minister of Work and Minister of ??? Profit. He’s also been Prime Minster once and a current advisor + Deputy Prime minister His experience and knowledge is great for the House of Commons. Vote for him for experience!

South East


A veteran congressman going for his 16th term. Stefan is a great guy and has done a great amount for the South East in his time as a congressman on a regional basis, and on a national basis. He’s also a former party president and foreign affairs minister. A great choice for the South East.

Manifesto Link


One of our new faces who has shown potential this week. Crest is running in the South East of England hoping to get into congress for the first time. We hope that he will show you all what he’s like once he gets into the House of Commons and I believe he will be successful.

Manifesto Link



A dedicated TUP member and a congressmen many times. Since moving to eUK from eUNL, Kravenn has proven how dedicated he is to our nation as both a congressman and a valuable member of our Special Forces.

Manifesto Link

Adam John

One of our new faces in TUP; Adam John is our first candidate to be born after Version 2 was implemented. Voting for him would help him hold the record as the youngest congressmen ever. He’s very active on the forums and I think he do well in the House of Commons. Vote for him!

Manifesto Link



Similar to last month Valorum wants to continue bringing additional sexy time into the Commons. He has decided to run in wales again for another term (Don’t ask me why you’d want to run in wales, he must like sheep) If you are actually in Wales consider voting for him!

Manifesto Link

Lee David Wood

Lee is one of our second term congressmen, he was new last month and I am very happy with his progress recently. He often voices his opinions in the public discussion on the forums which is great and really sets an example of what new congressmen can achieve after a month in commons. To let him continue his good work consider voting for him in Wales!

Manifesto Link

West Midlands

Sir Mic

Sir Mic is going for his first term in congress at the third time of asking. He has missed out in the last two attempts to last minute voting and region swapping. Hopefully his can be third time lucky for Sir Mic. Vote for him to break his bad luck cycle. I think it’s what he deserves after the last three months of Commitment to the cause.

Manifesto Link


Staying loyal to his West Midlands constituents, Skillz88 is going for a another term as congressman. He’s very active and is a great choice for West Midlands.

Manifesto Link

East of England

Dan Moir

Dan Moir is probably one of the coolest people I’ve met in this game. This guy constantly works hard for both TUP and the Country. He’s made his own website for congress. That’s commitment! Vote for him to represent East of England again!

Manifesto Link

Cecil Lizard

He was new to congress a few months ago and has returned to have another go at it. Cecil is a very active person and you I guarantee that you won’t be sorry if you entrust your vote with him! As I mentioned he went for congress but did not get it. He is another one of our third time lucky candidates.

Manifesto Link



Pensive is an excellent candidate with a fantastic voting record. He’s a 2-time Minister of Defence and is always around. This man is an asset to congress, let’s keep him there. He was also Party President last month. Give him your vote!

Manifesto Link

Kevy Shabado

That’s me, “That Panda Bloke” to some. Current Party President of TUP and 2 times former congressmen for the North East. It would great to be one of the first UK congressmen to get a seat from Vahalla. Vote for me if you want!

Manifesto Link

North East


Another one of our new faces. As the song goes, he’s a lovely geezer, and we’ve already confirmed that he’s not from Sweden! 😛 Consider voting for this chap if you’re in the North East. I think he would make a great addition to the House of Commons.

Manifesto Link

North West

Michael Chertiozhnik

Michael has run for congress once or twice before successful and has decided to return this month in the North West. In previous terms he has had a perfect voting record though and has shown that he is worthy of another term. Vote for him!

Manifesto Link

East Midlands


This guy is a great candidate. He has a lot of potential and has run before successfully. Why not give him another term to show what more he can offer to the house of Commons. Give him your vote!

Manifesto Link



A very well known candidate. Asher is turning Scottish this month. Many of you will know asher for his contributions in government mainly under the Entertainment department in the MoHA. Vote for him if you want a reliable candidate!

South West


One of our new faces. Previous Party President of TSP and newcomer to TUP. He has shown promise and is running in his favourite South West region. Give him a vote if you want a congressmen who is ready to learn quick and contribute.

Manifesto Link

That’s our candidates this month. Please give them your support and remember to vote on Sunday 25th July. Voting earns you 5XP and allows you to declare your democratic right to the nation.

If you’ve not decided which political party is best for you, please consider joining The Unity Party. You can read our wiki page and our constitution for further information on the party.



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Kevy Kev Kev Junior Shabado
Unity Party President

Our sister party in Brazil- votes would be nice