[TUP] How the election went for us

Day 1,680, 20:16 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Thomas765

Hello there,
Talon Karrde released an article giving people an overview of the congress elections in general, which summarises seat percentages, vote percentages and how parties faired during the election in total. This article will deal with statistics for The Unity Party's performance during the election instead.

Party Individuals

Highest XP candidate: Kravenn (115522 experience points) in Yorkshire & Humberside
Lowest XP candidate: Charles Headworth (434 experience points) in the East Midlands
Lowest XP official candidate: Ryan Boulevard (1193 experience points) in the East Midlands
Lowest XP elected: Mikeyl T (1373 experience points) in Wales

Most terms as a congressman:
1. Kravenn with 29 congress medals
2. Mr Woldy with 17 congress medals
3. Thomas765 with 15 congress medals
First time congressmen: furdelance (London), Stef40 (South West of England), Mikeyl T (Wales) and Niemand (East of England).


Total number of candidates: 29
Official candidates: 21 (72.41😵
Percentage of official candidates elected: 66%

Average XP of candidates: 39938 experience points
Average level of candidates: Level 32

Average XP of elected congressmen: 54810 experience points
Average level of elected congressmen: Level 35

Total number of congressmen: 15 out of 40
Percentage of total: 37.5%
Wildcards: 2 (50😵


The Unity Party total: 219 (32.4😵
Elected congressmen votes: 184 (84😵
Official candidate votes: 190 (86.76😵

Most votes:
1. Stef40 in Wales (22 votes, 10% of TUP's total vote)
2. Kravenn in Yorkshire & Humberside (16 votes, 7.3% of TUP's total vote)
3. McAfee01 in the South East, furdelance in London, Mr Woldy in the North West (14 votes, 6.4% of TUP's total vote)
Most votes but unelected: Paul Macleod in the East of England with 5 votes

1 vote = 0.4% of TUP's total
1 vote = 0.15% of UK total


As you can see here, the South West of England was undoubtedly a TUP stronghold in the outer regions of the UK this month, receiving well over 50% of the regional vote and being able to elect two congressmen out of a possibility of three in this region. Stef40, an official candidate and a first time congressman in the UK, was elected there with a staggering 22 votes, which is incredible for a first time congressman outside of London.

London was somewhat impressive for TUP as well, having been able to elect all three official candidates in that region. A third of London's 127 votes were for TUP candidates, which reflected well in our results compared to ESO, who had roughly the same percentage (34.6😵 of the London vote but were only able to elect one candidate.

For those that are unaware, London was typically the only region in which mobile voting did not typically occur and so was often the most democratic region. This is still the case as London had nearly double the total votes than the next region, the South East of England.

The South East of England was our poorest result in terms of voting power, having only been able to return 22.4% of the vote. However, this region was no different to some of the other regions as we were still able to elect McAfee01 there, despite heavy competition throughout the night.

Next Steps?

- Highlight where weaknesses could be perceived and try to fix them.
- Take advantage of other parties' weaknesses in particular regions of the UK, such as London this month, and continue with the voting strategy that was enabled for this election.

Final Words

I'd like to thank everyone who voted for me on Monday's election, having received enough votes to be a congressman for the region of the East Midlands. It's been a while since I've been a part of the UK congress.

I'd also like to thank TUP for allowing me to run for a second time. The vote directing for the election was quite fun this month, I'd be quite happy to do it again for you guys. 🙂

Join The Unity Party today!

Iain Keers for UK CP!

Thanks for reading!
