[TTH] Once upon a time...

Day 2,761, 13:52 Published in USA USA by Franklin Stone

Before we begin I wish to state here and now that I DO NOT speak for anyone except myself; I speak only as a 'pop gun' America Soldier of no consequence, I speak only as an insignificant but loyal American; I speak only as an American who believes in America First. As always I encourage each and everyone of you to get involved, but always remember to THINK FOR YOURSELF.

Join the People's party of revolutionary change, Socialist Freedom Party
Join our forums and speak your piece, Socialist Freedom Party Forum
Head bang with Sixx Sense on 'The Brew' from my hometown, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma....

When I first started playing eRepublik as Cold Hearted Snake I had high hopes that I had finally found a role playing game -no matter what others tell you this IS an MMORPG- worthy of the name. Years ago in the Tokyo Airport -sometime around the end of my young military adventures ala Ernest Hemingway- I read a scifi short story about a citizen who played an interweb game where he was the Supreme Dictator, until one evening upon returning from work he finds his world falling apart; his enemies are 'tanking' at the gates and all his friends are betraying him one after another. I just vaguely remember the story, but what I do remember clearly thinking is; 'How cool would it be to play such a game.'

When I joined eRepublik the game was infested with cheaters (some of these self righteous finger pointing Boy Scouts are still here benefitting from their ill gotten gains) and a group known as 4Chan, I am pretty sure the 'Old Guard' knows of whom I speak; for you new citizens I suggest you research the following topics in the eRepublik Wiki: S.E.E.S., iNCi and the group I like to call 'Pfeifferist'. Though they seem to have lost some of their influence, America is currently suffering the consequences of their malfeasance as we witness the demise of America's Military Deterrence the United States Armed Forces (USAF).

Once again the 'Pfeifferist', the very group of citizens who forced out America's previous 'Official Military Deterrent' for supposedly not being able to do the job; is trying to save the USAF. While condemning 'The Black Sheep' party for leaching Tax Revenue, while blaming VMA-214 for stealing infrastructure when they resigned as Officers of the USAF; they are blithely trying to save their own source of leaching off American Taxpayers.

I actually believe that eRepublik got several things 'spot on', starting with the 'Political Module'; as in Real World politics special interest groups control the 'machines of power'. One such machine is the fact they host the Meta Congress on the eUSA Forums, a forum completely controlled by their 'group/clique/party'; which gives them one hell of an advantage when the opposition is silenced -gives them 'Home Court Advantage'.

The fact that in Public Congressional Proceedings the average citizen who is not in Congress has everything they write 'censored' and in my case simply removed, when they belittle and attack anyone who speaks out against them with impunity while desperately trying to prove how much smarter they are than the Average Bear; how can new out of the box ideas be brought forth and discussed? America is stuck in the past using old methods that no longer work because new out of the box ideas are violently crushed by one certain 'Special Interest Group/Clique/Party' who controls the eUSA Forum.

The same Group/Clique/Party who refuses to call for a vote on disbanding the USAF and instead builds 'pyramids' ( Synesi's Great Quote Pyramid Thread!) in the sand; these are the same guys who want us to believe they are MENSA smart (Re: Franklin Stone Article Mega Thread) -sadly for all their test taking ability and because I don't fit into some formula they can't figure out if I am FN with them or not.

As I have stated numerous times I come from a paper and pencil -such as D&D or Traveller- game playing background and from there to stacking little square tiles of cardboard upon Hexagonal World Maps spread across several gaming tables. I have played games since I was a tadpole, playing everything from World War II simulations to 'space operas'. The one thing every game had in common was the 'community' of citizens who played the game with me, from the kids in my neighborhood right up to the Senior Cadets who won the 'Blitzkrieg' tournament at the University of Oklahoma in 1969; the point being that it was the community of citizens which made the game worth playing.

Playing games back in the day involved getting the 'gang' together at someone's house who had a 'card table', then spending hours 'playing make believe' or to use a more modern term 'role playing' in our heads. The 'Black Knights' of Ghia, the super elite special force recon marine unit of the Viking Consortium, the King's Own Household Guard; swept across the Galaxy wiping out the last vestiges of the Old Imperium. We fought our way across many a table top and for me therein lies the problem, as citizens of eRepublik we know each other by two things: Our Avatars and our Actions.

I am convinced that the actions of the 'Pfeifferist' on the eUS Forums and 'in game' have benefited no one but themselves, that their actions have cost America billions in lost tax revenue and destroyed any hope for the survival of the USAF. In the end what is being discussed in Meta Congress is loyalty, the 'Pfeifferist' believe that America should 'bribe' tanks like Henry Pfeiffer Arundel (who recently left EZC for the USAF) to remain loyal to the current government; so the thought of the current government is to simply throw more money at it and in fact some 'Pfeifferist' want to raise their budget line to ensure that the USAF always fights per Presidential Orders. So to ensure the loyalty of the United States Armed Forces, to ensure 'tanks' such as our 'pfriend' Mr. Arundel remain loyal; we the American Taxpayers are being told we must purchase it?

Can you say, 'Mercenary?'

'USAF is something we need, we can't count on PMUs to fight the battles that we need them to. Yes they normally do fight the same priorities as the USAF but that can never be a guarantee. It also is nice to have the USAF to point to for FA and say we can control where that damage will go, PMUs can't be that for the country.'

Meta Congress is currently cluster bumping itself over why the USAF is such an FN failure ([Discussion] Merit of Having an State MU), why after 2+ years of throwing American Tax Revenue at it can it not do the job it was assigned; I can sum it up in one wor😛 Community. Actually it did have a 'small elite' community, the 'Old Guard Pfeifferist' who lock stepped their way into political power and then forced out the 'official government military' in order to create their own military to 'leach tax revenue' through; then there was the rest of us -and yes I have been in the USAF.

Some citizens simply can not grasp the concept that if you shove it up everyone's bum, while telling them how FN stupid and worthless they are breeds contempt not loyalty -the eUSA Forum being the key piece of evidence of said practice; hence the 80,000 CC 'budget line' to pay for America's Military to be loyal to the government when what they actually mean is so they may bribe D3 and D4 tanks such as Mr Arundel to remain loyal. Personally I take the government's current stance of wanting to throw more money at it as a threat rather than a solution, seems to me that D3 and D4 citizens are saying 'Give us more cash or we'll become traitors.'

There is no guarantee that the USAF is going to fight per Presidential Orders, any more than it can be guaranteed that a PMU will fight per their Unit Orders; in fact you can't guarantee where any individual soldier will fight and EVERY MU in eRepublik is built up of what? Individuals. There have been many Military Units come and go, the Special Forces, Seal Team 6 (from JCS days and now WAR INC.), Easy Company Militia (the biggest, baddest PMU in America) and the fast growing, up and coming Bear Cavalry.

Every MU I just mentioned has one thing in common -they are all PRIVATELY funded, even the now defunct SF was privately funded in it's glory days; it only went belly up when it became a 'unit' of the 'Pfeifferist' supported USAF. For me there is no discussion to this, the USAF is a bust and America needs to dump it and since most of its infrastructure is PRIVATELY owned 'communes' and to stop an argument before it starts I say let the leeches keep it and shut the puck up about VMA-214 and the Black Sheep Party.

The one thing I give the 'Pfeifferist' kudos for is their organization, they have a loyal group of citizens who I am positive devote a great deal of time and effort into 'their metagame' in order to keep themselves in power 'in game'; that 'Black Hole' is their 'home court' advantage due to the fact that Meta Congress is housed on their forum. A Meta Congress which under a Dictator is totally meaningless, a Meta Congress to which we willing give power it does not possess 'in game'.

Why? It is because a Silent Majority of American citizens remain silent. It is because we assign 'in game' power to a Meta Congress controlled by an 'outside metagame', a game played on a Forum totally outside of eRepublik yet controls what happens in eRepublik; we allow citizens who barely acknowledge they come 'in game' more than thrice a month to vote to enrich themselves through control of America's 'in game' Treasury and War Chest of 15 to 20 million cash.

Currently one way to effect what happens 'in game' is to become Country President and we all know who controls that revolving door, so even if another group/clique/party does manage to get a member elected CP the 'Pfeifferist' will never willing turnover control of ALL government orgs or the Treasury and it's 15 to 20 Million in War Reserves. Another way is to overthrow the 'current government' and restoring Congress, recently a prominent citizen did exactly that with relative ease and a small PMU; just think what EZC, War Inc. or even the skeleton of the USAF could have achieved.

What America needs is a clean sweep, loose not only the carcass of the USAF; but also the shell of Meta Congress that keeps one group/clique/party in power to their sole benefit at American taxpayer expense. Problem is that it will take a well oiled 'political machine' to fight this group/clique/party, America will have to pry power out of their cold dead hands because otherwise they will have to 'slide that plastic'; I simply ask that citizens keep in mind that the 'Military Module' is crap and it is not the only module available for play and it is the ONLY one which cost wellness and weapons.

For me the 'Media Module' is way more fun and a hell of lot less expensive, so my suggestion is each citizen should spend the 2 gold to start a newspaper and get involved by voicing your opinion! The 'Political Module' is also alive and kicking so I would also suggest -to old players as well as new players looking for a community- joining the Revolution by getting involved with a political party; I would suggest the party of change the Socialist Freedom Party. I also encourage every citizen to join a Private Military Unit, one which fits not only your military needs; but one that fits your politics needs as well and not the needs of some special interest group. Of course I fully recommend the Bear Cavalry MU and our Build A Bear Workshop for new citizens.

Smoke 'em if you got 'em!
It's 4:20 somewhere!

C'est la vie, Chérir'....
Comrade Franklin Stone
Socialist Freedom Party
Bear Cavalry
Military Fitness Academy, Class of 2601
Cadet Plebe, Advanced Training Academy, Resigned