[TTH] Moving Forward

Day 2,662, 18:47 Published in USA USA by Franklin Stone

Before we begin I wish to state here and now that I DO NOT speak for anyone except myself; I speak only as a 'pop gun' America Soldier of no consequence, I speak only as an insignificant but loyal American; I speak only as an American who believes in America First. As always I encourage each and everyone of you to get involved, but always remember to THINK FOR YOURSELF.

Join the People's party of revolutionary change, Socialist Freedom Party
Join our forums and speak your piece, Socialist Freedom Party Forum
Head bang with Sixx Sense on 'The Brew' from my hometown, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma....

“To build community requires vigilant awareness of the work we must continually do to undermine all the socialization that leads us to behave in ways that perpetuate domination.”
― Bell Hooks,

One of the reason I love forums is, and I believe the only way to save eRepublik is through socialization on forums and the 'Media Module'; such forums are excellent community builders. Several times I suggested to We The people that the party needed their own forum, which was always promptly shot down with the excuse almost always given being that citizens will not join a bunch forums; to which I say horse hockey. The FEDS once had a member named BamaBettie, who IMO was a community leader, builder and ran their fun department; sadly my transplanted Southern friend has past on -rl apparently greater than gl, yes? She spent many weeks building the FEDS Fun department up before I met her, I once visited the FED Forum and on a whim answered a science question she had posted; BamaBettie responded with a welcoming reply and suddenly I was a daily visitor. BamaBettie went on to serve one term in Congress for the Feds and then sadly she disappeared, I often wonder what drove such an active citizen to just up and leave; my hope is that real life took her.

My biggest eRepublik pet peeve is community building, IMO the only way to save eRepublik from almost guaranteed extinction is citizen involvement; if America can not attract and keep new citizens we will some day come here and the doors will be locked and the lights off. One of the many social aspects of eRepublik is the abundance of forums on which the citizens of America may socialize, starting with the games own eRepublik Forums; where IMO all congressional forums should be located. Another social aspect of this game is the 'Media Module', now many will tell you that part of eRepublik died a long time ago; what they actually mean is: 'You don't talk about fight club.' IMO, the 'Media Module' isn't dead; the 'Fight Club' is afraid of it and attacks any who speak out against 'The Club'.

Every large influential and powerful Political Party has their own private forums away from the eUSA Forums, while others simply have sub forums on the donation supported unreliable eUSA Forums. The Socialist Freedom Party Forum is our Official Party Forum; it is young, growing and filled with Comrades who pitch in and do what's needed voluntarily with little prodding -in fact as a party all members are encouraged to find their voice and join the revolution. A Good example of another fairly new forum is the Black Sheep Forums, established by the Black Sheep Party it is my belief that they owe their growth to that forum; it also aided them in there last Congressional Race. A good example of a well established and powerful forum is the Federalist Party Forums, the fact they are attached to the Federalist Party -the biggest party in America- should be enough to convince you of the usefulness of forums.

Now we come to the 'official' forum for the 'eUSA Meta Government', the United States Workers Party (USWP), 2 other Top 5 parties and the American Congress which is -ignoring for the moment that the second most powerful party in America owns it, the donation supported and unreliable eUSA Forums; forums which have crashed multiple times losing vital evidence and much of America's History and to be honest it is the history that bothers me the most. In order to take advantage of the 'Free Stuff in America' the first thing a new citizen will need to do is get a eUSA Forums account, especially if you fancy yourself as a Disraeli or Lincoln -or god forbid Ronald 'The Gimper' Reagan, who gloriously flamed out again- that will become a requirement; but I warn you now...some of those guys swing a mean cane and are not afraid to use it on a fellow Congress Member.

Many Military Units have forums also, one such MU is the eUS Military which has the eUSA Military Forum, even SFP's own Bear Cavalry has their forum and training on the party forum. The FedParty Forum also houses their SHIELD MU, their new citizen HAMMER Division and training War College within their party forum -only logical, mate. Another prime example of how community builds an organization is Easy Company Militia, the strongest armed force in America and the unit that made me the soldier I am today; but their growth didn't come overnight. It came from the many hours and days of hard work put in by Gnilraps and Deep Chill and their wise decision to include a forum -the Screamin' Eagles Forum.

Personally I love forums, there are many free forums that an MU or Party may take advantage of and they are great community builders; IMO one of the biggest reasons Easy Company Militia, the Federalist Party and the Black Sheep Party are so successful is their own forums away from 'The Black Hole' of the 'meta controlled' eUSA Forums. One of the reasons I moved to the SFP is the fact that we have our own forums away from the smoked filled back rooms of 'meta Congress', if the 'power cabal' can have their secret meeting rooms so can everyone else; if you wish to see real change come to America my advice is join the Socialist Freedom Party and add your voice to the revolution.


C'est la vie, chérir'....
Comrade Franklin Stone
Socialist Freedom Party
Easy Company Militia, Private Military Unit
Corporal, 10th 'Ghost' Regiment
Military Fitness Academy, Class of 2601
Cadet Plebe, Advanced Training Academy