[TSqrR] America Almighty

Day 1,515, 11:13 Published in USA USA by Juan Ladino

Before we start I ask that you read the true story behind PtH. It's a mighty good read.

The Situation

From the frying pan into the fire, ONE has effectively gone from a once mighty alliance capable of destroying any enemy to a fracturing alliance, struggling trying to hold together. The Serbo-Roman Empire has been renamed the Serbo-Byzantine Empire as Serbia loses control of Italia and Gaul to invading Croatian and American Visigoths 😉. The Serbian Emperor, meanwhile, has moved the capital back east to Belgrade as the Croats continue cut off transport lines causing Serbia lose more resource bonuses. However, as Croatia moves closer to her hated enemy's heartland, she will soon realize the Serbs have built up impressive defenses and hospitals in their home regions and capital. Poland meanwhile hasn't been able to win a decent battle against a worthy enemy for some time now. The once feared Polish military might has crumbled as it fights off occasional attacks on its home regions and not being able to so much as invade puny Ukraine. FRYOM has been wiped by the combined forces of Eden and Terra. The British capital has been moved to Yorkshire as the UK attempts to regain her lost regions, only to be wiped again and again by Canada, France, and Ireland. Sweden is under renewed attack by Russia and is down to 2 regions. The Turks have carved out an impressive empire in the Middle East, worthy of the Ottomans. Dioist Pakistan remains wiped under China, whom is now fighting the Indonesians in East Asia. Indonesia is now down to 2 regions and Taiwan has wiped South Korea and invaded Japan. Meixco a few days ago got back on the map and tried to invade California with Q6 weapons. A laughable attempt as the US easily fouhgt back and took Baja, once again wiping Mexico. No te metas con Cali y los E.E.U.U!

War Game

Let's do it. OK, from Croatia's performance in Kosovo, I suspect the Croats won't be able to push much farther than Sumadija and will lose Tirana to the Albanians, thus closing the southern front. But Bosnia is making headway in northern Serbia and with Croatian assistance, push farther south. Romania might be expected to open an Eastern front to assist the Bosnians and Croats in the north as both push south. Brozil will likely wiped Spain as will China wipe the Indos. Mexico may try another useless attempt to liberate New Croatia but to no avail. Poland will stay put like a puppy in time out and not dare to attack anyone as its economy and production goes downhill. The UK will also be once again wiped in a relentless game of unending tug-o-war.

The Verdict

As we've seen in the past, Serbia is a tough S.o.B. But no too tough and with our help, the Croats and Bosnians will succeed in wiping Serbia. ONE has gone from a world power house to an alliance that can't protect itself from internal collapse. The end of ONE, and a relative peace may be coming soon. Oh and did ya'll hear about that PtH announced a Crusade against Henry? Unbeknownst to Pizza, all the Crusades except the first were utter failures. And so the demented Ajay mounts his slightly retarded steed with a club foot, and rides headfirst into a brick wall. Mercy on him father, for he knows not what he does.

Closing Comments
See I added BOLDED and UNDERLINED titles this time!!! 😃
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See ya'll. I'm out!