[TRS] Public Letter: We need MOAR involvement

Day 1,520, 00:52 Published in Canada Canada by AugustusV

Hello eCanada, today I'm addressing you today as congressmen and the current speaker of the house for this month.

Activity is an issue every nation in eRepublik faces, and community involvement is what keeps players engaged and this game running.

We have a problem eCanada. Most eCanadians don't get involved as much as they should. Think about it, apart from congress, and the same old names you see posting in the comments and writing articles, the difference in the ratio of these few active eCanadians to the vast masses of two-clicking eCanadians is great. Too great.

I am writing this letter to help increase awareness of what's going on in our nation, and what steps we can take to make sure eCanadians get more involved.

If you're interested in helping other more inactive/poor/new eCanadians, or if you want to find out how you can involved/become the 1%/win, below are some ideas I suggest working on, and believe me, if everyone did even one or two of the things I propose, eCanada would be in much better shape.

1. A new law was passed agreeing to create a new Mentorship program spearheaded by Homer J Simpson. He is now new minister leading that department. If you wish to get involved and help out new players, please send him a message and I'm sure he'll be more than happy to follow up with what the next steps are.

2. Start checking Open Door Congress discussions. Encourage others to do so too. Post links (using tinyurl.com because direct links always seem to break) to laws you think are good/bad. Get other people in on the debates. You can even post tour own comments and suggest new laws for congress to consider in the main Congress section found here. Write articles about laws you think should be passed or repealed, and make your voice heard. Congress is a small body of people that votes on things. Sure we vote, but we look for your opinions and we're only a handful of people; we can't come up with all the great ideas. That's why we need YOU to help us draft new laws and improve our country.

3. Ask to see if your Military Unit has a forums, if they do then register on them, and encourage your fellow MU members to join too. Strong communities keep things interesting for everyone. Probably one of the most legendary communities of all time are the Crimson Order, and you can see proof of this by how they troll like a true team. Trust me, I've been here long enough to understand that an MU, political party, government, or anything else without a strong sense of community will go to sh*t.

4. Read more news. Write more articles. Comment more on articles. And spam the sh*t out of articles you wrote or articles you like. Warning: Please spam with moderation.

That's it. There's nothing more to it.

Now to get work.

P.S. Ron Paul 2012 \o/