[TRL] We like confirming the obvious!

Day 2,415, 08:01 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by FightAndProduce

Bigger version without all the added guff provided by a great person.

4th 5th post on the Vendetta feed at this point. Check it out for yourself if you can.

Disclaimer - I'm leaning towards the post being trollbait though. But just in case....

Provided by a great person. That's all you need to know 😃.

Although if they want their name listed for providing it, then I can sort that out, though I'm sure you'd prefer me to leave it as 'a great person'

EDIT - Also, this opens a bigger question. To BigAnt and Vendetta. What's the point of holding a referendum? You're already taken your side and I don't see you actually sticking to Sirius if the referendum doesn't go your way.