[Trito4PP] Eire Aonair

Day 3,033, 17:45 Published in Ireland Ireland by King Trito Fisher

I am announcing my candidacy for the Party President position of EA!

I've noticed that the political situation in eIreland is caustic, the current leadership, the leftist ILP, has had control over politics in eIreland for the past 4 months. I believe that fresh blood is needed, especially now: when we have been occupied by eLithuania for close to 50 days!

I ask my fellow party members, when was the last time EA had a CP?
When was the last time EA had a majority in the Dail?
EA was founded 5 years ago, and in 5 years, it has never been in such a weak position, politically speaking.

EA used to be the strongest party in eIreland, now we have been relegated to indefinitely being the opposition. The time for change has come!

My Goals for EA:
Get 35% of the Congress Vote (If we even have Congress Elections)
Elect a CP from EA
Reach out and write articles about EA, encouraging citizens to join our great Party!
VP: Martinho69
Spokesman: Klynn
Secretary General: Slaugh
A last note:
Under my administration, all decisions will be made via Party vote.
For example, our choice for CP candidate would be made democratically.
I would accept any nominations, and after a period of debate, party members will vote on who they want their candidate to be.

I wish the best to my competitors: Martinho69 and Slaugh!