[Treian]Welcome to the game!!

Day 1,369, 09:42 Published in Canada Canada by Treian

Hello eCanadians everywhere!!

While we have found it very difficult in the past to get a true "baby boom" here in eCanada, what we CAN do is try and help out new players who have decided to try out this "game" called eRepublik.

So to get things starte😛 WELCOME TO eCANADA!!!

Now that you're here, what do you do????

Well that's a good question. You show up, the game gives you some "land" to work and it tells you that you need to find a job, and train every day.

So take a quick walk on over to the Job Market and see who's got a job that pays well. Click accept the job and get to work!!!
While you're at it, the game shows you who you are working for; send this person a PM (personal message: for you new to games like this) and talk to them. Many of eCanada's employers are ready to help you grow and stay interested in the game.

Next you get to train. This will up your strength so that when you fight for your nation, you will deal "influence" in a battle. The higher your strength the better the "influence" you'll do in battle.

So now that you've done all the "obvious" stuff that the game prompts you to do, what's next??

Well this is a "social" game. There are many players and many things to do that the game doesn't make you aware of.
eCanada has a set of forums where you can interact with other players in eCanada, learn more about the game, make new friends and get involved in the eComunity.

http://www.ecanada.cc/forums/index.php That is where you can find the eCanada forums and sign up.

Now there are 3 sections to the game: politics, economics and warfare.

Economics you can get started into by using the land you're given to produce food, and you can sell that food from your storage area. As the game progresses you can build up more factories in different sectors and sell goods to make profit to pay for more facilities.

Politics is something you can get into if you're interested in helping to govern the nation. When you can join up with a political party, you should in my opinion. Through them you can run for congress and be allowed to vote in game on different proposals. You can run for Party President and lead your party, or you can run for the Country Presidency through your party.

In eCanada the top 5 parties are:

Epic -> http://www.erepublik.com/en/party/-epic--2607/1
CPP -> http://www.erepublik.com/en/party/canadian-paradox-party-2618/1
MOO -> http://www.erepublik.com/en/party/ministry-of-opportunity-2729/1
Union National ->http://www.erepublik.com/en/party/union-nationale-2814/1
and MAP -> http://www.erepublik.com/en/party/military-advancement-party-3372/1

There are many other smaller Parties also and depending on your political views any number of parties would make a good choice, but join up and voice your opinions!!!

Now on to Warfare!!!
War is what drives this game. Different eNations war each other for control of resources and for power. Military Units have been set up in game to serve as a coordination point for action in battles. However they also serve another use here in eCanada: They give out supplies!!!
Some are government funded, some are government subsidized, and others are completely independent, funded only by what they produce themselves and are shared with their membership. If you want to get ahead in this game I suggest you join up with a MU (military unit).
As of today the top 5 MU’s are:
CSD -> http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/group-show/469
Crimson Canucks -> http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/group-show/38
CAF -> http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/group-show/108
CoI -> http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/group-show/154
HOPE II -> http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/group-show/446

There are many others, such as HOPE, CAF 2, LOVE, MAF etc……
Joining up means you get a slice of the supply pie and will be able to buy extra food and weapons to use in battle and become a bigger influence in this area of the game.

Above all else remember this is a “social” game, and I know many of our eCanadian citizens and I can tell you they are great people, willing to talk and to offer advice to any of you who might request some.
So welcome, enjoy your stay and join in the fun!