[Treian] Time to make a MOOve

Day 1,451, 12:20 Published in Canada Canada by Treian

Greetings fellow eCanadians

Judging by the title some may have guessed what this is all about, but I have decided to make a political move. I’ve joined up with the MOO heard.

Over the last couple of months I’ve found myself in different positions within the government and also as CP fighting to do what I thought was best for the nation. I had views and thoughts as to what I should be doing while in office and I did my best to see them through.
With Addy now as CP MOO has been in the media and I’ve taken time to look more carefully at their 6 opportunities that they as a party are looking to accomplish. The more I read them the more I realized that they are similar, if not identical to the initiatives I was trying to accomplish with my half term as CP.

Now EPIC is a great bunch of eCanadians, and some of the most notable and recognizable of us call EPIC their home. It is a great party built on some great ideals and I have loved the time I’ve spent there over the last year, but I find myself ready to fight once more for a cause. EPIC’s founding principle is that they are a group of Independent members who all have their own views and thoughts and aren’t all necessarily joined in a unified voice to try and push a singular view….. This as I now see it is their only downfall.

With MOO I am ready to fight for the 6 opportunities for eCanada. They are as follows:
(If you agree with any of the following opportunities consider joining our party.)

MOO's 6 Opportunities

Opportunity #1: Maintain a full complement of region bonuses
MOO advocates for optimum process efficiency in the country for the self-supply networks of all citizens by having a full complement of region bonuses available in eCanada. MOO supports region renting, region swapping and/or region conquering in order to achieve all ten of the in-game production bonuses of grain, deer, cattle, fish, fruit, salt, iron, aluminum, oil and rubber.

Opportunity #2: Maintain strong positive relationships with our allies.
Opportunity for eCanadians in the countries of our allies through congress exchanges and military exchanges. International exchanges will strengthen our relationship with allies and engage players in the game.

Opportunity #3: Subsidize soldiers who fight in the national military network.
Opportunity for each eCanadian soldier willing to fight to receive some sort of government subsidy in exchange for their role in the national network of soldiers.

Opportunity #4: Provide funding to ecitizens to develop their self-supply network.
Opportunity for each eCanadian to receive assistance in the development of their self-supply network and Town Centre upgrades.

Opportunity #5: Lead the information campaign for new players.
Opportunity for eCanadian babies to be equipped with the information they need to succeed and reach adulthood. A type of marquee would be developed, a series of articles covering the development steps of the new player and the resources available during those formative first weeks. This series would be published in the media and endlessly scroll. With each cycle, the content would be "tweaked" in a continuous improvement effort.

Opportunity #6: Promote unity between citizens, parties, military groups and nations.
Opportunity for eCanadians to live in a nation of unity where relationships are built and nurtured and intolerance is stamped out. Unity is expected between parties, between military groups. Raise the profile of ambassadors, develop more exchange programs, develop more mechanisms to resolve disputes.

This was taken from Iron Toaders last article and at the top (in brackets) it said to consider joining if you agree with their “platform”.

So I have. I urge all eCanadians who like the ideals behind these opportunities to consider joining the party and start fighting for a better eCanada today. With a unified voice we will be heard. With a unified direction we can go places. With a unified thought we can create reality.

If you’re ready to help make eCanada the nation it should be, join us today and put your voice into the heard!!!

Former CP
Current Lieutenant General and XO of the CAF.