~Treason in America: Martin Sunter's Plans!~

Day 297, 15:23 Published in USA USA by Benn Dover

Recently, the biggest story in America has occurred since the American-Canadian war. GeekyGator, along with an anonymous citizen has unearthed several forums posts on the Libertarian Party page. Many of you have been pondering Martin Sunter's *odd* plans in his latest press release. Your answers are here:

[a url=http://img206.imageshack.us/img206/3031/eden1va0.jpg]Martin Sunters Plans[/a]

In case the link isn't working for you, here are his words VERBATIM:

Title: My Evul Plan

"*** TOP SECRET***


Eagle Strike:

Phase 1: We get Immunogenic to be president of eUSA. Then he gives us enough cash to lead 6 revolts. Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada, and California.

Phase 2: Use Utah to take over the other six regions that broke away.

Phase 3: Become Imm is president he will not declare war on us."

You read correctly. Martin's " [a url=http://www.erepublik.com/press_release-37961.html]classified[/a]" plans for the New Mexico mayor are linked directly to his plans for secession in the United States - who knew that such an unintelligent person was capable of spelling the word secession!

Another currently anonymous citizen has found several other links showing that Martin Sunter, and several others too, mean srs bsns.

[a url=http://img502.imageshack.us/img502/6869/eden3ry1.jpg]This post[/a] appears to be the response immediately after the original post by Sunter. In it shows another citizen involved in the scheme, Ikenstein. Emerick, a long-time loyal American, is also seen posting a comment about this [a url=http://www.erepublik.com/forum-topic-64552-10.html]forum post[/a] After creating the post, he tried to pin the entire thing on the USWP. In the Rizon chat room, he asked me, rather capriciously, to post "Seems like the work of the USWP..." on the forum, so I did, because I thought the original thread was a joke in itself (at least now we know the quality of Libertarian plans).

However, [a url=http://img58.imageshack.us/img58/2885/eden7aet5.jpg]this screenshot[/a] is possibly the most interesting post found was the following. In it, Martin declares that he will become president one way or another. If he is to lose presidential elections, then he was going to "assassinate" the president-to-be. If he did not threaten this, then admin-interference would not be necessary, but because of his statement "If I lose then I will have that player "assassinated" which I wont say how, but he will be banned from the game mid-election. If I lose the party elections poor GeekyGator may face the same fate." Martin continues to say that he will bribe these mayors to get what he wants.

Sunter decided to [a url=http://img73.imageshack.us/img73/9022/eden4qx2.jpg]change the name of the new country[/a] to the New Eden Federation. [a url=http://img374.imageshack.us/img374/8600/eden2zp3.jpg]Here is even more information as outlined by Ikenstein[/a]

Here you can see Sunter's [a url=http://img352.imageshack.us/img352/7273/suntersucksmq2.jpg]advices to the mayors that are running[/a], and that is to be discrete with their decisions and to lay low. [a url=http://img390.imageshack.us/img390/2443/eden5lc1.jpg]Here is more involvement from Ikenstein[/a] Sunter even thinks that he can obtain [a url=http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/4327/eden7byc2.jpg]Canadas involvement[/a] in the secession in favor of his side.

What This Means to America

America used to be ranked as one of the most politically stable countries in the world. Due to this ONE rogue act by a bunch of immature, impatient warmongers, we are going to see articles similar to those that were around during the United States-Canadian War. For those of you that weren't around, suffice it to say that the US media was anything but pretty. If you are in the Libertarian Party, you should feel betrayed by your treasonous party president and party representatives (besides GeekyGator of course).

Emerick, of all the citizens, was in on this plot the entire time. He was, after all, the one who tried to pin it on the USWP, using myself as a puppet. Emerick, if you were ever looking for positive publicity, then you walked down the wrong road... it's unfortunate to see that you've crossed over to the citizens who wanted to follow in Platonic's foot steps.

Ikenstein was also involved, but to what extent we do not know. As the mayor of Sacramento, he had the most pull out of all the mayors, and was probably the most important citizen to be won over by Martin. Kingnikolas, mayor of Denver, Colorado, also [a url=http://img73.imageshack.us/img73/2540/eden6pa4.jpg]stated his loyalty to Martin and Ikenstein[/a] Other mayors that may have been involve😛

[a url=http://www.erepublik.com/profile-577591.html]LloydSev[/a] - Sante Fe, New Mexico
[a url=http://www.erepublik.com/profile-395572.html]Josh Granger[/a] - Phoenix, Arizona
[a url=http://www.erepublik.com/profile-690401.html]Rezatoon[/a] - Salt Lake City, Utah
[a url=http://www.erepublik.com/profile-857441.html]Jheathdr[/a] Carson City, Nevada

The section that the Libs are trying to take over has close to 450 citizens spread out through 6 regions - one of which has a Q4 hospital. Losing such territory would be a great hit to the US. Even without losing any territory, this act will greatly influence the presidential election to come, as well as the future politics in America. Segregation may be a result.

