(新人補助計劃 --- 壯大中國, 由現在開始) To Help The Future, We Have To Help The Young

Day 1,511, 07:32 Published in China Bulgaria by Don Mazzi
You can find the lottery winners in here -> http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/1943703/1/20
(English Version Below)
Translation from English to Chinese, Thanks to my friend DFLL

早安 電子中國 🙂

這是我自加入eChina 5-6個月以來, 第一次在我的報紙上 發表文章。
○首先, 我知道大部份人都應該不知道我是誰, 容我在開始之先, 以數句來介紹一下自己。
在現實中我是來自保加利亞, 現年二十三歲, 正於倫敦大學皇家霍洛威學院(Royal Holloway University of London, Egham, UK) 就讀。

○在我加入eChina之前, 我是在eBulgaria 的一位戰士, 期後成為了"24th Squad", "2nd Platoon" 及 一個優秀的團隊 "Night Guard"(譯注: 是一個當正常保加利亞人都睡了的時候, 默默在深夜守護的軍隊) 的首席指揮官。
○或許有人會問, ”為什麼你要捨棄你的身份, 又或者你在軍隊內有這麼好的職位為什麼還要放棄?” 等等。的確, 我自己從未想過要離開他們, 但當在錯誤的時間,有人故意挑起罵戰, 加上政治爭執下 ,
我, Don Mazzi, 就要獨自離去, 尋找一個新的環境…新的家。
現在的我是HKGolden 軍團的第一小隊的其中一員, 亦在當中結識了不少的好友。

接下來, 是本文的重點
因為eChina 接納了我的國藉申請, 令我有機會在中國內發展, 故此我希望鹿夠回饋中國, 協助5個在中國的新進玩家。我的計劃是, 20天內, 每天都給予被選中的新手 0.19G 作日常訓練, 以及7架Q6坦克.
1. 該名新手必須有不少於5000XP 及 不多於10000XP。
2. 該名新手必須要投入遊戲, 並決定以後要為eC之名而戰
3. 所得到的G 及Q6坦克只能用於訓練及打杖, 而非出售圖利或作其他個人用途。
如閣下滿足以上3個條件, 請留下以下回覆:
"I swear, that If I win, I will use the gold and Q6 Tanks to train and fight for the motherland"
根據你們的留言號碼, 我會用www.random.org 抽出該5位幸運兒[/u][/b]
留言號碼是指, 如果玩家符合資格並是第一名決定留下
“"I swear, that If I win, I will use the gold and Q6 Tanks to train and fight for the motherland" 的回覆, 他就會是第一號, 如此類推。

Good Morning eChina 🙂

This is my first article since I become citizen of eChina approximately 5-6 months ago.

First I want to say a few words about, who I am.
○ In Real-life I come from Bulgaria and now am 23 years old and currently studying in Royal Holloway University of London, Egham, UK.

○ Before I came to eChina, I started my carrier in eRepublik as a proud soldier in the eBulgarian Army, later on I became Chief Commander of "24th Squad", "2nd Platoon" & the Elite Platoon "Night Guard".

○ People may ask, "Why did you leave, when you were having a good post in the army, etc?" Well I did not leave, I ran. A wrong timing + strong harsh (curse) trolling + political disputes = Don Mazzi seeking for a new home.
I just want to say I haven't done anything, I decided that this is not the right place for me.

○ Now am a proud member of HKGolden MU 1st Regiment, and friend with many, many good people.

Here comes the point of my article.
As eChina helped me develop by accepting my Citizenship Request, I want to help 5 random young players, by giving each of them 0.19 Gold per day + 7 Q6 tanks per day for 20 days.

Requirements :
Players to be with more then 5000 XP and less then 10000 XP.
Players to be devoted and be sure they will continue playing for the name of eChina.
Use the Gold and Q6 Tanks to Train and Fight, not to sell and use for other personal reasons.

Lottery draw:
Players that fulfill the requirement, write a comment saying "I swear, that If I win, I will use the gold and Q6 Tanks to train and fight for the motherland"
Then by the number of your comment I will draw the winning 5 players by using www.random.org

Lottery will end at 23:59 (eRepublik Time) on Day 1,512

To all those that want to help, can send me some breads that I will distribute equally between the 5 winners

!!!!!!!!!! ONLY FOR eCHINESE CITIZENS !!!!!!!!!!