Day 730, 19:45 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by Wonder Forward

Addressed to all the citizens of eAustralia and eIndonesia.

Upon the day WA was seized from our control by patti11's betrayal of trust and EDEN's mobile army, after spending about 1500 golds and innumerable weapons,

Just seconds after it was done, there was this eerie silence in our chatroom. Followed then strangely by an aura of resignation. At that moment, I had not realized there was lies and deceit, especially from a significant community moderator of this game i.e patti11 again when eAustralia due to fear-mongering signed NAP with USA.

That was like being stabbed in your back very hard. Neutrality in eAustralia gone in matter of seconds, and suddenly we felt like we don't know the honest and good people we've been building relationship for more than 1 year!

I called my cabinet for urgent meeting. I was flaming inside, disappointed, embarassed, and at a loss. But the main point I immediately said, the first thing i said was:

We will not conquer WA back. We will pursue AIRRA.

Then came Patti11's pompous and looked boastful confession that he lied to me.
I was brimming with emotion. I almost lost trust to eAustralia.

But I held on to my belief. It was not right to invade eAustralia.
Crooks or liars aside, it is simply not right.

I chose are reconciliation between the two countries.Something that only could be made possible if and only if eAustralia would reimburse Indonesian owned companies in WA.The number of investment there could easily surpassed 3000 gold, and that would be constant anger and reason for future eIndonesia invasion.

If only I could get that concession, surely eAustralia could restore her dignity, had good terms with eIndoensia as partner nations, with an economical boost and infrastructure for the next baby booms.

It was right for eIndonesia as well. It would be a nice touch and gesture from eAustralia as our long-term friend, and it would end the whole issue, with no reason anymore for eIndonesians to be divided between pro and contra camps. Finally, it would unite eIndonesia.

I thought that was win-win solution.

But the main problem was trust. I had difficulty in trusting after patti's lies.
The simple lie had so much poison embedded in it that it not only made a nation lost her neutrality, but also clouded in fear, hatred, and distrust.

By simply adding up EDEN's MPP, Patti's administration also cancelled the prospect of AIRRA reimbursement, since MPP cost would negate the spending to buy companies. That would pose eAustralia as smug but arrogant character saying to us: "We don't want to reimburse companies. It's ours. Take it if you can!"

That would 120% anger eIndonesian and war will be inevitable. The next CP would certainly invade eAustralia. To avoid war and promote peace between two countries, I call for the NAP for a long term between us, so eAustralia could spend her money wisely rather than simply paying for useless MPPs.

But trusting again was extremely difficult.
In the darkness of situation, Cerri emerged as my source of light and hope.
She was well-reasoned, no-nonsense, and had sense of righteousness that most eAustralians not have in that moment. And by jove, she was rangerbob's wife (I mean, that impacted a lot to me, sorry Cerri... But it is true! I was like heart broken but joyful as well)!

We struck deal on promoting NAP for 5 months between our nations, and the money for MPP will be used to buy companies. The companies will be bought along with its stock and RM, counted at the lowest market price.

I thought our deal was going to go through.
Sadly, I was innocent and naive to the political climate of eAustralia.
Fear mongering, hatred and idiocy campaigning had blinded a part of eAustralians.
MPP with EDEN countries popped like mushrooms, and we simply steamed seeing that.

Cerri decided to take huge political risk to promote eAustralia independence of EDEN mongering, and ordered a vote on the NAP in the senate forum.

I waited patiently, since war with Malajsia occupied me.
Then came the wildfire article when Crowded House simply fanned the population to go against the NAP. I was like gaping with my jaw open.
When the NAP was about to be voted ON, suddenly came the theft of NBA bank.
The thief even did good deeds by sending some of the sums to me. You could see my reaction in the article here.

But what stroke me as a curiousity was how this incident happened during critical time of the negotiation process. NAP with Indonesia + buy companies is about to be passed, then suddenly ALL MONEY TO BUY COMPANIES STOLEN.

Not only that, eAustralia was left penniless and would be helpless if eIndonesia invaded.
Who would get political victory if that happened? Surely not a liar and fear mongering McCarthy amongst you, such as CH and Patti11. You two are too above such methods, right? Please answer your pops with conviction.

Then, in September, when PM rangerbob asked referendum on the decision to join PEACE/EDEN, the same modus operandi of theft also occured.

Then, when Government asked that 400 gold MPP couldn't even be realized with this unfortunate incident, suddenly 400 gold materialized in NBA. Gold from Santa? No way! Open your eyes, eAustralian people!

Too many coincidences simply raised bloodlust in me.
That reached the limit when CH asked for Cerri's impeachment.

I was like: WTF? Have you lost your mind? You few people dared to goad blindly eAustralian people to death? You want war, then you can have it!
I can make RUMOR OF INVASION into REALITY. Blame The Secret's author.

I swore to Cerri that if she was impeached, or the NAP not voted. We go invade.
I would renege my promise, and hell I care, for I will conquer eAustralia, and immediately return all the territories, provided Patti11 and his cos proven WRONG as hell.
At this point, I had plan ready, and I could call myself one of eAustralia with a position to move army to liberate her from the alleged "liar and opportunist party". The call to get our rights back was too strong as well.

Cerri held on toughly (I would've killed people if I were put in such politically convoluted climate) and won rejection on her impeachment.

But finally, some of the justice and righteousness prevailed.
NAP was voted yes. 14 yes of 17. Only 3 against.

And that proved that 3 had voices of like thousands skylarks. Noisy, annoying, senseless, and empty. Just cawing when they are in safe and comfy position, but cowards, manipulative, themselves when put into test. They are not as strong as the righteousness. They may try to hack, steal, and blind you, and even myself. But not for long.

I still believe in the right things for both our nations.

With this, I as representative for eIndonesia, wished to say thank you for the goodwill of eAustralia on the NAP and reimbursement contract. Joyfully we hope for peace in the region and the growth of both nations as partners and friends.

But the next huge trial may yet to come. With the buying of massive companies within the period of 5 months. Within that period, I warn gently,

May come another disaster.
Maybe another theft.
Maybe gentleman from hate-indonesia party usurp the government, broke the contract, refuse to reimburse, refuse even to pay for the contract's fine,
Or suddenly the stolen fund resurfaced again with them and war goes on between us.
Or maybe eIndonesia president reneged the contract as well, that could happen.

If that ever comes,

I merely ask for eAustralia to follow the path of peace, righteousness, and friendship.
I merely ask for eindonesia to follow the path of peace, righteousness, and friendship.

I ask for lively cooperation to enliven this 5 months, so you don't think us "pointing gun in your head" or we "being hated and denied our rights". I call for mutual relationship, joint programmes, and trusting climate. A situation that is not viable to those shady propaganda and hate-lies.

While those who don't follow that path is merely a crook, thief, and nothing more.
They are not meant to be leaders, and as I quoted from CH's words: "Choose not popular people, but the right people."
May those war-mongering people ever not elected.
But again, who knows what... May idiocy had survived before.

Yet, I had belief in eAustralia and eIndonesia's future,
That we survived friendship until 2012 and more (chuckle),
and the friendship, plus common sense between us.

May this message become the beacon of our glorious future.
For eAustralia independence and growth, and eIndonesia's friendship to eAustralia.

Dedicated to lady Cerri and her sane friends 😃

Your (hopefully stayed) kind neighbour,

Wonder Forward

PS: Many people thought I was like eAustralian. Too friendly with them. Maybe that was true. I am indeed eAustralian by heart but eIndonesian by soul.

OKAY.... Where do I sign?