[TLT] An interview with Donovan Thomas.

Day 2,606, 19:09 Published in Ireland South Korea by Don Croata

Hello eIreland,
I'd like to introduce you a new CrOmega teambuilding project. Each member has recieved a task to make an interview with one of our members he/she knows the least. I'll start this series of interviews with the one I've made with Donovan Thomas. He's a new CrOmega member, and returner to eIreland and Erepublik in general, since I haven't knew him earlier he was my 'Interview Buddy'

1. Who are you in Real life, what are you doing in your free time, who's that guy behind the screen?

My real name is Sean. Donovan and Thomas are both two family names I always admired. I’m a first generation Irish American. I recently retired from active duty as a Chief Petty Officer after serving twenty years in the United States Navy as an Antiterrorism specialist. In my free time I enjoy writing, golf, cooking and body building.

2. How long are you playing this game and what's the thing you're most proud of?

I began playing in August of 2009 and played almost every day until October 2010. I’ve held numerous positions during that time to include the First IDF Field Commander, VP of eIreland, TD for Northern eIreland, Minister of Defence [x4], Minister of Intelligence [x2], TD for Dublin [x2], 
Minister of Information
, Ceann Comhairle [x2]
, Ambassador to Peru and Venezuela
, CO, Na Fianna, 
VP Party President, Independent Voices, and 
Party Pres. of Guardians of Ireland (Hail 21!).

After all that I would have to say my proudest moment would be winning Batlle Hero in the Invasion of Northern eIreland in September of 2010. Nogin was President at the time and I was Co-MoD. We engineered a brilliant (and controversial) invasion of the North taking it from the eBrits (for the first time without a land swap) in just twenty minutes with some very serious help of our Croatian brethren. Afterword I was elected as Military Governor (well, TD really) of Northern eIreland. It was a fun time. Very exciting.

3. Why did you choose to join CrOmega?

Since I returned last month I’ve become a bit of an old curmudgeon to be honest. I realized I was spending more time getting angry over lack of grammar and poorly written articles than contributing and having fun. I was just being an ass. To have fun in this game one needs to invest themselves and be a loyal friend and worthy adversary; to add something to the team. When you approached me to join CrOmega and add my “oldfagness” to the team I saw it as a refreshing way to enjoy eRep and eIreland again rather than just being a contrary jerk.

4. What are your future plans for Ireland, CrOmega and Erepublik in general?

I’d like to see eIReland get out of its comfort zone. I think that it’s always too easy to hide within a larger alliance, but that said having your country scooped out from under you is only fun if you have the strength to get it back. Perhaps we need a Natural Enemy? As far as CrOmega, I plan on being a loyal and contributing member of the team. Though I have spent most of my time in eRep giving orders I can follow them as well. eRepublik in general? I won’t rest until the seat of world government in ringed by the M50!

5. What do you think about the current situation of: a) eIreland ; b) Alliances?

As I stated above I’d like to see us live a little dangerously but to be honest I’m still wrapping my heard around the current state of play. Let me take a get back to you on this one.

6. Pick one:

Israel or Palestina? Palestine
Beer or Wine? Wine
Football or Rugby? Beer
Celtic or Rangers? Jameson
Dublin or Cork? Cork
Books or Films? Books
Sinn Fein or some other useless party? Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
Metallica or Techno? Tool

We belong to Ireland.

Soy Moris, CrΩmega CΩmmander