[TL;DR] Hail the Resistance

Day 1,113, 08:23 Published in USA USA by Cold Hearted Snake
Dateline: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, America
America First Party Headquarters
December 7, 0002 (Day 1113 of the New World )
Enemy of the State Cold Hearted Snake, Troll Extraordinaire
[Dis-Claimer: This article is only my humble opinion and is not meant to start illegal debates.]

America Has Been Betrayed

After promising a return to the old ways josh frost has become a liar and traitor, selling America out and instead becoming a fascist dictator declaring himself ‘supreme chancellor’ with shades of gagah and the s.e.e.s. fascist terrorist party. It seems now that their attempted PTo of Russia may have been only a distraction, draining off hundreds of votes in their failed attempt, while their fellow conspirators pulled off a brilliant political takeover of America. Now that it has failed these same voters are stuck in Russia and with the government declaring all opposition to their revolt as enemies of the state the question becomes: ‘Will the frost administration allow them to return or claim they are dissidents and refuse them citizenship?’ It seems clear to me that my prediction of what would happen if players supported the Russian PTo will come true and that the answer will be, ‘No, they will not let anyone they feel will resist their revolution back in country.’ This election was not a ringing endorsement of josh frost (if indeed it is actually josh frost) and his traitorous cabal of revolutionaries, had the traitors glados and chickensguys not run the outcome would have been much different. America we must resist this evil and here is just a few ways that have come to min😛

Do not sell or buy Gold or USD from the Congressional Budget Office
Do not fight in any wars started by this administration
Vote against any bill of any nature proposed by this administration (especially any donating Gold or USD to the Congressional Budget Office or government run Organizations)

Tax Evasion

In my recent article What Is Going On I pointed out that American citizens may avoid taxes the same as American company owners. One of the most inactive presidents in American history who won his second term by mere percentage points has pointed out:

‘Posting to point out that no one has ever said workers can't exploit the same basic game mechanic as company owners. See, what CHS has done here is take a point made by someone, in this case that companies don't have to pay taxes if they use tax evasion, extrapolated it to mean that companies can do this but workers can't, and then argued against his own extrapolation. As the extrapolation made no sense in the first place it makes sense that he won his arguement. Well done sir.’

What this master of misdirection has failed to point out is the one HUGE game mechanics difference. Companies evade taxes by pulling Gold or USD out through the monetary market, where there is NO RISK of losing their Gold or USD. However, American workers CAN NOT use the same game mechanics. A worker must trust his boss will actually donate their wages to them, they have no assurance this will be done, there are no actual game mechanics which allows American citizens to evade taxes. Another way to resist this revolution would be to evade paying taxes, IF you can trust your employer I encourage you to NOT PAY TAXES TO THIS ADMINISTRATION.

Hail the Resistance!

Whose Awesome, America is Awesome and remember,
'Always question authority, change is always good, and glory is fleeting.'