[TL;DR] America Unite!

Day 1,197, 12:48 Published in USA USA by Cold Hearted Snake
Dateline: Portland, Oregon, America
America First Alliance Headquarters
March 1, 0003 (Day 1197 of the New World )
Cold Hearted Snake, Troll Extraordinaire
The Humble Opinions of an Enemy of the State

"The ends do not justify the means. The means help to insure that the ends are just."
--The Diaries of Rosalie Frazier Ngu

Peace~Friendship~Public Leadership by Candor

Good afternoon.

ccc iNCi ccc Party President

Today Alex Drex interviewed the ccc iNCi ccc’ Party President Gs10 in the article An Interview with Gs10, Party President of iNCi. This interview was interesting for the fact of Gs10’s English skills, I mean this guy sounded like an outback cellar dweller who dates his sister. Listen carefully, I have seen this players English skills elsewhere and believe me this guy must have been educated at Oxford. This is the kind of deceptive conduct that any true American deplores, pretending to be a country bumpkin when you are not. The ccc iNCiccc has managed to get two Turkish articles into the top 5, one even takes the time to translate a sweet little poem into English, but not the text. I know a player who has immigrated to America and has integrated himself nicely into our way of life. Alexandr Sunbeliever III is that player, he has learned the language well enough that he can communicate his ideas clearly. Meanwhile the ccc iNCi ccc has paid mouth service only to learning our language and they continue to publish in Turkish. If I were to move to Turkey, God only knows why cause even the Turks are leaving Turkey, I would be ridiculed and called a racist because as an America I am to lazy to learn their language. The ccc iNCi ccc, by their own beliefs, are insulting America by not learning the language; knowing that if this were Turkey they would be demanding we learn their language. The ccc iNCi ccc asked to come here, as Americans we welcomed them and allowed them citizenship. From the moment they arrived here they began unfurling their plan, a plan to quietly use the system to Politically Takeover America, they have lied and then insisted it was simply a communications problem and yet refuse to learn English. They were invited into America’s elite ST-6 and just as predicted wanted funding and total control over their soldiers, that’s just a guess I don’t know any secrets. The ccc iNCi ccc has acted like a bully from the start, they made demands and we met them, then suddenly they threaten America with a PTo, again denying it by blaming their lack of English knowledge. How can you trust the ccc iNCi ccc on the battlefield where orders are given in English when they can not even read the orders. I can see it now, America gets left flapping in the wind and ccc iNCi ccc says, ‘Opps, miscommunication, we did not understand our orders. Sorry.’ The ccc iNCi ccc needs to stop showing their racism and xenophobia by learning English, they need to shoulder their fair share of the burden of the coming war and once they have proven by actions that they truly have American interest ahead of the interest of the ccc iNCi ccc we can talk again about funding.

America First Party

Yesterday DeerShark published an article Divided We Fall, United We Stand in which he calls for unity in order to fight the coming war, I agree and call for that same unity in our voting on March 5, 0003 (Day 1201). Recently the gray matter between my ears has been swirling with all kinds of grandiose ideas about how to save America. Thanks to some players, I tip my hat to all of you, the America First Party has been reborn...trumpets blare and...I got nothing. IMHO, what happens in eRepublik stays in eRepublik, by that I mean the only game which matters is the one controlled by game ‘mechanics’, not the role playing that goes on over at the eUSForum. Politics is controlled by the ‘Three Election Process’; President, Party President and Congressional. This trio of elections are won or lost by good as a bar of gold votes...in fact I believe that the ccc iNCi ccc was offering 5 gold per vote. First, if you are the kind of player who would sell his vote for any price then you do not deserve a vote and I hope you voted for them and they stiffed you. Buying votes is most assuredly NOT how you integrate into a society, if they would buy votes wonder what they would pay for a President? Sell your vote and you are a traitor. When I started the America First Party it made me wonder how America can win the Presidential Elections and it is very simple...numbers...so I therefor encourage everybody join the United States Workers Party, now you may ask me why would I start a party then send you to the USWP. Well...it is the numbers. At the time I looked the USWP had 625 members and the ccc iNCi ccc had 539, just a quick glance at the other Top 5 parties have 909 members. We must come together as one, an alliance among the Top 5 parties must happen. The USWP must strive for 1000 members just to show the ccc iNCi ccc that we have the numbers to win. Again I implore Americans to find a stars and bars border for their Icons, if you need an Icon, PLEASE, PM me and I will do you one; in fact I believe even Athanaric has volunteered to create players Icons. The ccc iNCi ccc thinks Americans are lazy and we are unorganized, that we can not come together when it counts, but I think they have awakened a slumbering giant.


Resistance Fighter awaiting orders to the front

Finally we come to the Socialist Freedom Press and their article Political Takeovers and elitism in eRepublik, written by Smily132, a South Korean, he puts together a nicely organized plea that Political Takeovers of countries do not exist. He argues that countries are not taken over that it is groups of players that are removed and I tend to agree. Right now in America two groups, the ccc iNCi ccc and the American Elite, are vying for control of the American Presidency. One, the ccc iNCi ccc is a Turkish Nationalist group who was welcomed into America, then during the Congressional elections this group made a grab for a majority -they failed. They came here with promises which they have not kept, they promised to seek only ten seats and ended up with 14 seats. The wanted to join the Military and when given the chance to join America’s elite of the elite ST6, they made so many demands that they were also refused entrance to the Militia. This is a ‘group’ who make promises they never intend to honor, they use threats and intimidation when dealing with other entities and which has taken the racist and xenophobic stance that they will NOT learn English, instead we should learn Turkish. The second group is the ‘Ruling Elite’ of America, many of whom have jumped ship like so many rats off a sinking ship, a group which retains their power by getting the same group of players into Congress, then using the eUSForum -where they ban Dissidents- then working as a ‘team’ they control all power, the purse strings and the military. This group, some of whom have committed very public suicide, has a great deal to lose for they want the same control the ccc iNCi ccc is seeking. Now is our chance to not only show ccc iNCi ccc, but every group/country in the game that Americans will not be placed under a the yoke of foreign rule. I recommend that everybody read Michael Porter’s post One Last Thing, even though I feel Michael Porter acted in haste in committing suicide, what he says in parting ways with eRepublik is the truth and I for one will miss his voice in game. Unite America, unite and elect a President that has plums of steel, a President that will put the interest of America ahead of their own self aggrandizement.

Always remember glory is fleeting, strength and honor;
Cold Hearted Snake
Editor In Chief: American Patriot
Enemy of the State, Troll Extraordinaire
Minuteman First Class