[TIA] What does «Russia» really mean?

Day 1,131, 06:32 Published in USA USA by Alexandr Sunbeliever III

This is a funny thing, that nearly one year ago I was forced to write a similar article in the Russian media space, but it was called «What does «Ukraine» really mean?». I don’t actually remember the details of that, because it was deleted by moderators for vulgarity 15 minutes after I pressed the «publish» button. Now, in this article, I will try to not repeat my old mistake.

eRepublik is a great opportunity for people who want explore behavior not of individuals, but entire stratum and nations. I was no exception. After a while, I could say that this social project perfectly reflects the collective image of entire populations. This is particularly evident in those countries, which are mainly populated by virtual prototypes of their actual projection of the real world. There is Serbia, Poland, Romania, Hungary, USA, several other countries, and, of course, Russia.

The first baby-boom in Russia took place one and a half year ago. At that time, the player with the alias «uncleded» published an article on an incredibly popular blog for programmers and other IT pros which was called «habrahabr». Thus Russia was peopled by programmers, web designers and advanced schoolkids. Later unсleded became the most successful president of Russia, and the mad minds of newcomers became the grounds for creating a myth about robots. Thus, in Russia it will be easier to find a person who owns C++ than a person who speaks English.

In the real world in Russia there is only one uber-party, which is called the «United Russia». According to my theory of analogy – virtual Russia did the same. «Free Russia Party» will forever remain a benchmark of autocracy and unity. Later, this party was ruthlessly exploited by various misfits and clowns, but now looking at it – this is the party which more than one year ago had been the sole leader of the Russian political Olympus. There were people who tried to develop a bureaucratic monopoly, which could make every citizen a member of the government apparatus. But in the end it came down to the prototype in real life. In Russia, there was only the president, MoD, MoFA, and 40 monkeys in Congress.

The problem in Russia was that we were not able to implement a base, a foundation, an incubator of personalities. Government had become distant from the people. You could go to Congress, but being a Congressman you had no influence. If you did not vote as a party to say – next time you would not get into the party's list at elections. Only a few people were able to break through this barrier, and to infuse into MoD or MoFA. After a while it will cause an incredible shortage of personnel. Suddenly, there will come a time when no one will be able to take the post of Defense Minister or Foreign Minister.

Another reason that led Russia to collapse in September/October were bots. Yes, exactly. FRP lost their positions. Other parties gained momentum. Communists, Constitutional Democracy Party, others. But as the oldest party – FRP had at their disposal some of the «technical» possibilities. They have long been able to retain its leadership position with endless possibilities of «mechanical resource». But this will soon come to an end. Today, the ability of all parties are roughly equal, and we can observe a more realistic picture of what is happening. But despite this, there are still some rumors about the new Frankenstein monsters from oldfags laboratories.

In conclusion, I want to say that Russia is a country of good people. Real Russians experience no animosity towards Americans. They are ready to go on contact. All of those who are screaming about poor Americans are pimply schoolboys who are too impressed with some films and other propaganda. Russians have more things in common with Americans – probably more than with Ukrainians.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions – I'm glad to hear from you in the comments, or via Skype (sunbeliever).

Special thanks to Bruce Sommer.