[TI] Our Future.

Day 971, 12:03 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by TI Party

Dear citizens of The United Netherlands,

First of all, I would like to thank those who have voted me for Party President of ‘The Internationalists’. My career as party leader is short, but interesting. A few months ago I became suddenly Party President of a party. It was MaartenW’s ‘fun party’, but now that I was Party President, I had an ambition, an ambition to change and help The United Netherlands. We begun quite noobish as ‘The Dutch Nationalists’ battling for Dutch culture, but soon after our eyes were opened, get rid of nationalism, think about INTERNATIONALISM.

Our name probably gives away our intentions, but despite of that, we will give you a short overview of our goals:

Internationalized Netherlands.

We stand for an internationalized community, a safe haven for foreigners who want to escape their country for whatever reason. We should maintain our English language, by supporting bilingualism with English as main language, and Dutch as side language.

Our Population.
Every month president candidates and their parties are promising so called ‘babybooms’, an increase of our current population. Strangely enough they almost never succeed, and even if they get new citizens in, most of them will leave in a short time. We should look for other sources to increase our population, like immigration. Nowadays we already let most immigrants in, except if there is a PTO (Political Take Over) risk. The immigration policy is flexible enough for our likings, but a secondary goal should be to advertize our country as an internationalized safe haven for foreigners. Advantages of immigrants are that they most of time are already experienced with eRepublik. This doesn’t mean we don’t want new citizens, we will continue the struggle to get them to join, and eventually stay in The United Netherlands.

Greater Foreign Cooperation.
We are nowhere near self-suffiency in our economy, that why greater foreign contact would benefit us, our ambassadors play a key role in managing those contacts. Not only our economy would benefit from this, but everything, like defense, media and population increase. Our ultimate goal is to start talks with other Western-European countries about unification, countries like Belgium, France, Germany and The United Kingdom. It will be a nation that can measure up against other global powers, and a great asset to Phoenix, as we are one centralized state instead of the sum of all those smaller parts. We know this is really difficult to reach, but we have our ideals and will struggle for them.

We are not pacifist, we are an international orientated party and would describe our defense policy interventionist , always searching for an opportunity to join in a war. This is very important, as our whole economy runs on war, think about the helicopter, artillery, rifle and tank companies which produce products which we battle with, and the food/house companies which restore wellness lost in battle. Without war those companies won’t sell their products, and as a result they need to give out a very low wage and sometimes even need to fire their employees and close their company.

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