**The OG: The Story of the World According to IRC**

Day 646, 19:51 Published in Canada Canada by Banach
Strange things happen when you leave a bunch of men with internet access alone in a chat room together. We have created the story of the world, at least a partial one. We were going great, until France screwed things up for everyone :/

[Enter all nations. World War Three is at its height. Seems not everyone is pleased with one another and alliances are falling apart.]
[10:03pm] Trentonius is now known as Portugal.
[10:03pm] yonsil is now known as Hungary.
[10:03pm] AverageCanadian is now known as Domino_Gray.
[10:03pm] Domino_Gray: You guys are just silly😛
[10:04pm] Hungary: I love
[10:04pm] Hungary: this nick
[10:04pm] Banach is now known as UK.

[10:04pm] Indo: I PWN NOOBS
[10:04pm] UK: Spank me Hungary!

[10:04pm] Hungary: I shove his in American a**

[10:04pm] Hungary: OH YEAH

[10:04pm] UK: Indo, I have you daily payments
[10:04pm] Domino_Gray: Hahaha!

[10:04pm] Hungary: B&D STYLE BABY

[10:04pm] • Hungary does UK
[10:04pm] Indo is now known as indo-brb.

[10:04pm] UK: LOL
[10:04pm] indo-brb: hahaha

[10:04pm] UK: *UK surrenders*

[10:04pm] Hungary: huh
[10:04pm] UK: Sorry master

[10:04pm] French: No.
[10:04pm] French: We surrender.
[10:05pm] Domino_Gray: Oh man, if this turns into International cyber, it's all just gravy from this point
[10:05pm] UK: France wtf.

[10:05pm] Hungary: you still have a shred of dignity for surrender?
[10:05pm] Hungary: wth lol

[10:05pm] UK: We ARE the surrendering w****s.

[10:05pm] NoIdea: France, not French. Indonesia, not Indo.

[10:05pm] Portugal: fools
[10:05pm] Domino_Gray: Indo-brb, attack them now!

[10:05pm] French is now known as France.

[10:05pm] France: ..
[10:05pm] indo-brb is now known as Indo.
[10:05pm] France: registered nick

[10:05pm] Indo: Who we attacking?
[10:05pm] United_Kingdom: Not Canada
[10:05pm] Domino_Gray: Damn, retreat
[10:05pm] United_Kingdom: It F***ing owned us
[10:05pm] France is now known as France|Surrendering.

[10:06pm] United_Kingdom: Hungary, we are sorry for s**king at being your pawns
*** China is now known as Taiwan
[10:06pm] United_Kingdom: We cant even hold a region
[10:06pm] Portugal: I could use some help up here
[10:06pm] Indo is now known as Indonesia.
[10:06pm] TaiwanPanda: lol
[10:06pm] Hungary: hell yeh
[10:06pm] Indonesia: the noidea
[10:06pm] United_Kingdom: Portugal stfu

[10:06pm] Indonesia: there*

[10:06pm] Portugal:
[10:06pm] Hungary: we give you free s***, you mess it up

[10:06pm] Hungary: !!!
[10:06pm] United_Kingdom: Sorry Hungary
[10:06pm] United_Kingdom: Don't r**e us anymore plz!
[10:06pm] Indonesia: Hey Uk, I think scotland is at risk, can I have it for a month?

[10:06pm] United_Kingdom: YES YES YES

[10:06pm] • Hungary spanks United_Kingdom with mighty Spanish gold

[10:06pm] Indonesia: I'll protect it for ya
[10:06pm] SirdeLaShaunRonSmith left the chat room. (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)

[10:06pm] United_Kingdom: Take it, do you want London too?

[10:06pm] ChristianDoe: lol

[10:06pm] Indonesia: Why not
[10:07pm] United_Kingdom: Ok MATE!
[10:07pm] United_Kingdom: Im glad we are FRIENDS, right?

[10:07pm] ChristianDoe: You guys (whoever you are) need to make an article out of that.

[10:07pm] United_Kingdom: Woot!
[10:07pm] United_Kingdom: We hate the Irish anyways.
[10:07pm] • Indonesia engulfes ireland

[10:07pm] Domino_Gray: Hahaha!

[10:07pm] Lokes: OMNOMNOM

[10:07pm] Indonesia: Yummmy

[10:07pm] United_Kingdom: Is there a "Canada" somewhere, wishing to join convo?

[10:07pm] United_Kingdom: Or perhaps another nation.
[10:08pm] United_Kingdom: UK is tired of being noone's b****

[10:08pm] ChristianDoe: We need France badly.
[10:08pm] Indonesia: lol
[10:08pm] Indonesia: we need more puppets

[10:08pm] Indonesia: hurry everyone before I get angry

[10:08pm] United_Kingdom: Russia, where are you?
[10:08pm] Domino_Gray: France already surrendered, keep up to date ChristianDoe
[10:08pm] libertine16 is now known as Ireland.

[10:08pm] United_Kingdom: Ireland? You don't exist!

[10:08pm] Indonesia: Ireland has returned

[10:08pm] United_Kingdom: Successful Resistance War? Impossible!
[10:09pm] • Indonesia beats Ireland senseless

[10:09pm] United_Kingdom: nvm, it was UK defending.
[10:09pm] Irelan😛 Ireland will always exist... on the corner of every street of every world city

[10:09pm] United_Kingdom: lulz
[10:09pm] Domino_Gray is now known as Singapore.
[10:09pm] Indonesia: haha

[10:09pm] United_Kingdom: *sells Ireland out to Hungary*

[10:09pm] TaiwanPanda is now known as Taiwan.
[10:09pm] United_Kingdom: S**k it Ireland, we are the best lulz!111!
[10:10pm] Taiwan: yay im new
[10:10pm] Taiwan:
[10:10pm] United_Kingdom: Taiwan?
[10:10pm] Singapore: Hey guys, I actually have nothing interesting to say......neutrality is great
[10:10pm] France|Surrendering: Ireland, do you like chris stanwick? >_>
[10:10pm] United_Kingdom: Sounds like a s*** nation.
[10:10pm] Taiwan: F***u uk
[10:10pm] Indonesia: Hey Taiwan...you're too close to me, now you must die!!!!!
[10:10pm] United_Kingdom: *UK declares war on Singapore*
[10:10pm] United_Kingdom: PEACE GC HELP PLZ

[10:10pm] Singapore: oh sonova.....
[10:10pm] France|Surrendering: Hey gaiz.
[10:10pm] • Indonesia demands 100000 gold from taiwan for protection
[10:10pm] United_Kingdom: France
[10:10pm] United_Kingdom: PLZ PLZ HELP
[10:10pm] Taiwan: lol Taiwan will fight against PEACE

[10:10pm] France|Surrendering: I'm joining AHA and Sol.
[10:10pm] France|Surrendering: kkthxbai.
[10:10pm] Indonesia: lol
[10:10pm] United_Kingdom: Singapore is killing us.

[10:10pm] Lokes: Taiwan: hey I'm looking to.... uh.. party.. you know what I mean?
[10:10pm] • Taiwan joins SOL
[10:11pm] • Indonesia attacks Taiwan to protect it

[10:11pm] United_Kingdom is now known as United_Kindgom|Surrendering.
[10:11pm] France|Surrendering: Singapore is da bomb.
[10:11pm] France|Surrendering: /
[10:11pm] United_Kindgom|Surrendering: F*** F*** F*** SINGAPORE HAS TANKS HACKZZZ
[10:11pm] France|Surrendering: UK
[10:11pm] Singapore: Singapore is the greatest city state of all time! We advertise our non involvement to hide that we've no military
[10:11pm] France|Surrendering: only france surrenders.

[10:11pm] Ireland is now known as Ireland|NowOwnsEurope.

[10:11pm] Singapore: and yet we can still beat UK
[10:11pm] Indonesia: Don't worry Taiwan, the enemy singapore won't every attack you now
[10:11pm] United_Kindgom|Surrendering: Indo what the f**kccea!1!!!
[10:11pm] Singapore: hahaha!

[10:11pm] United_Kindgom|Surrendering: Why is Singapore owning us
[10:11pm] Taiwan: lul.
[10:12pm] United_Kindgom|Surrendering: Taiwan, screw what we said, we need help!

[Transmission dies.]


Also, I'm running for Prime Minister. Thanks.
