- THE INTERNATIONALE - IMPORTANT - International meeting for all the leftists!

Day 1,275, 10:55 Published in Romania Romania by Nero Superbus
Good evening,

It is my pleasure to invite you to set the planning for the new Internationale as approved by the Chairman of the current old Internationale. We need good people who will work further to promote and establish eSocialism and eCommunism in the New World!

COME and JOIN US Monday, 23nd of May at 19.00 CET (10.00 eR time), on RIZON IRC on the channel called #internationale and GET INVOLVED in the structure of leadership of the Internationale! We will discuss the new establishment of the Internationale, composition, organs of power and the new constitution and ideas.

Let's shape the world as we want to!

The invitation is available for all left parties, even for the center-left ones as we want to gather all leftits around the world, to establish a new organization in order to promote our ideals.

Didn't you have a weak leftists party and wanted backup and support? Didn't you want more money to increase the political attractiveness and the working machine of your leftist party? Didn't you want more members?

THE INTERNATIONALE IS THE ORGANIZATION THAT WILL HELP YOU IN THOSE MATTERS, as we are an organization created to help the development of socialism, social-democracy, communism and all other leftists ideologies around the world.


P.S. To access the chat simply go to www.mibbit.com/chat and write your nickname at "nick", write "#internationale" at channel and select Rizon (webirc) from the list above the "nick and channel" (where it says "connect"). After you've done all these, click connect and it should take you into our chat room.