{The-Goods-News} {Exclusive Article Did You Know?} {Subscribe Please}

Day 640, 18:56 Published in Russia Russia by Chris Vargo

Did You Know
Two presidents fought at the end of a war was a climax between two countries, who were they?

They were Nave Saikilah of USA and Faltnor of Canada, ended by tragically death of Faltnor.
This battle was known as Manitoba battlefield, a last region of Canada which became a threat to USA by Canadian counter attack.
It was Canada in a good position and many allied countries with them including Sweden. Faltnor confirmed a tems of peace with a few golds from USA. In desperation, with a couple of USA citizens and a single group of Pakistani, Nave took a dramatically step to end the war.
With his own money, he went to battlefield and fought a final battle to hold Canadian army by himself! In this battle he actually came face to face with Faltnor and his 45 other squad members equal to 450 wellness. He slaughtered them all.
Running out of wellness, he succeeded to win the bluff and forced Canada to go on negotiation. Then, the dramatically exhausting war was ended.

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{This Was Presented By: Chris Vargo}
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