***The full guide for the average congressman! (knesset members)***

Day 830, 14:14 Published in Israel Israel by Sadeh Badeh

The full guide for the average congressman! (knesset members)

Hello dear citizens of Israel,
Putting aside the times we are going through, I decided we need a super effective guide for the congress.
Time after time, we see congress members wasting their proposals or not sure what to do with them.
I want to make sure it won't happen, or atleast happen less!
I would like every party president to post it in his party forums, or atleast send his congressman the article hopefully all the knesset will see that.

So lets start!

Hello dear knesset member!
You just got elected to be part of 40 people who have great power in the country.
Together with your friends(and foes 😃) you will propose and decide how the country will run.
You are elected by the people, for the people, and your job is to help YOUR country.
Thats why each congressman is asked nicely to donate is 5 gold from the elections to the government bank:

I expect from each on of you to donate atleast 3 gold of the 5 to the country, specially in these hard times we are facing.
Now, each knesset member has 2 proposals per term.
That means that you need to really think about the proposals you want to propose.

How do you vote:

You just logged in to the game, and you suddenly see alert- new proposal has been proposed, and you got to vote about it!
What do you do? Is the propose legit? Is it helpful? How will it effect the country?
First of all, the best way to know about the different proposals is to register to the national forums, located here:
Once you are approved as knesset member, you will be able to see and participate in the congress discussion!
You will understand the purpose of the government actions, the way of thinking of another knesset members and even express your opinion and add your tips!
If most of the knesset members will be active daily on the forums it will be very good, and will help the country.

How do you propose:

As said, you have 2 proposals each term.
You must be asking yourself "what the hell do I do with my proposals?"
You dont have to think about it alone, or to think about it at all for matter of fact.
Each month the government itself needs to propose several proposals, and you can ask to propose it.
That way you know that someone already thought about the proposal, and it was discussed by veteran players.
The taxes of the country is one area you dont want to deal with alone.
The reason is that the government itself has prepared tax system that fits the needs of the country for that month, and they put a lot of thinking into it, so you dont have to worry about that.
So, what happens when you want to propose something of your own?

First of all,think carefully about what you want to propose!
Most of the time if you know the game mechanics you will be right after good thinking, this is the first step.

It is all about numbers:
Try to run numbers, it doesnt have to be 100% right, but estimation of the real numbers.
If you can somewhat predict what the proposal will do it will help you understand what you actually doing with that.
Listen to others!
Other knesset members can debate with you on the forums about the proposal you want to propose, add their ideas and thoughts and by that give you better knowledge about your proposal.
You thought about your idea, you ran possible effects, you debated with your group (other knesset members) and now you know that your idea will probably help the country. Make sure tho that you propose it right 😉

If you feel there is need to add/change/remove anything from the guide please let me know- Otherwise hope it helped you!