[The Day Before...]

Day 551, 13:26 Published in USA USA by Ian John Locke IV

So today I noticed a lot of articles are still coming out about the Congressional Elections tomorrow. Some of them are endorsements, some are new campaign articles and promises.

This, I guess, is a kind of mash up of all of that and partially inspired by Lowell Kennedy's newest article.

Tomorrow when you go to the polls, the game will give you the list of parties who have candidates running in your region.

For those of you who live in District of Columbia, some of you may have received friend requests or messages from me.

In DC there are 4 candidates
AndraX2000 UIP
Doc Dearden CvP
Valizzo Libs
And myself.

As you noticed, the AAP has no one running in DC, as they have decided to endorse me as their unofficial candidate in DC.

I would like to provide my own analysis of each of these candidates:

u]Doc Dearden[/u
You can find Doc's presentation here.

If you read it, he either wrote his platform a long time ago or has not kept up with recent events. Why do I say this? 2 reasons really:
1] Romania is no longer dominating Eastern Europe (as he says).
2] He has no understanding of the PANEC tax plan

A little more about Doc, he is registered on eusforums.com, but has zero posts. This is fine, he could just be reading everything he can to form his own opinions. I do not begrudge him that, but then, if he was keeping up with the current topics on the forums, his campaign might seem a bit more up to date and informed.

Certainly if he showed some more understanding, I'd have no problem voting for him myself. He seems to want to get involved moreso into the game, but I just couldn't vote for him judging only by his campaign "article".

You can find Valizzo's campaign promises here.

As you can tell Valizzo does not try to even pretend as if he knows what is going on. As he says in his own article, he is not a native english speaker, but that does not hold him back from running! This is admirable if you ask me. If you read the comments you will see that I told him so. I admire Valizzo, I would never run in another country where I had no clue about speaking its language!

Valizzo seems to appeal to the common person in each of us. Valizzo is clearly intelligent enough to be able to grasp English as a second language (given its complexities, he should be credited for his hard work).

Although I am a bit uneasy about his avoidance of the issues, I still would not mind losing a few votes to this man.

You can find Andra's platform here.

If I may say so, I am honored to be able to run against AndraX2000. This accute and astute understanding of the issues facing the nation as well as his abilities and responsibilities as a Congress member is fantastic. I only wish we could both be elected, or that Andra had run somewhere else that way we would both be able to win this election and I would be able to serve with him.

This is not the only thing that Andra has done though. Andra developed a web-based multiple messaging protocol that pre-fills the message for you and can parse the html of a page to grab the 10 names listed per page. It seems that he developed it mainly for the Military (I am a Commanding Officer in the Army Rangers and have access to the military forums) but nonetheless, I have heard that it runs without incident and as he clarified in my comments, he is planning to release it to the public (hopefully) in mid-June!

As I want to win, I will not encourage you to vote for AndraX2000, but I guess I should not mind if I lost to him. Also, it is important to note that the Deputy Speaker of the House, who is also acting as Congressional Whip and Speaker of the House has endorsed AndraX2000. (I am of course referring to Claire Littleton.)

u]Finally me[/u
Who else were you expecting me to endorse? You can find my campaign article in a couple different places but I have been using this mainly so I'll continue.

If what I said above is true, why would I run against this the DSoH's candidate? Because I can.

As I mentioned above, I am running under the USWP ticket and am being endorsed by my former party, the AAP. Why is that so important?

I see no other candidate in this race endorsed by two parties. Besides that, the ICCCR an independent committee that selects the best Congressional candidate in each region has endorsed me. This candidate invariably contains a member of each of the top five parties which currently has 2 "conservative" parties, 2 "liberal" parties, and a party of independents.

Each candidate's endorsement is not necessarily unanimous and they do not keep voting records so for all I know, I won on a simple majority vote, but the following could be other reasoning for my being selected.
1] A long time Army man who could easily qualify for the US Marine Corps but has stayed in the Army so that I can proudly leave it and be able to say that I left it better than when I joined it.
2] A thee time Congressman who has never been afraid to tell it how it is
3] A "beta giant" who has extensive knowledge of the game mechanics as well as the current political schene
4] A successful General Manager of a Raw Materials company which, after being founded has upgraded itself to Q3 and purchased a export license with only the profits the company has made.
5] An active player
6] The new director of the Mentorship Program
7] Someone who knows when the argument is over and when to walk away before it turns ugly
8] Someone who knows their own limits

At the end of my third term I nearly blew up the Congress building (joking of course). I have since taken a few months off and recovered my calm. Why then would I go back into the sweat shop?

Why wouldn't I? I know how to handle the pressure now (in smaller doses); I know the issues at hand; I'll pick up the changes with greater ease having been in congress; I know the history of Congressional decisions; I post my own voting record but will submit it to the SoH as well.

I will take anyone on. I will challenge their ideas with my own and love to debate my own. I will acknowledge my own ignorance (especially, unfortunately, the larger picture of eRepublik economics). I always ask my own questions and answer those asked of me.

If you look at my profile, You will see I have some 448 (or around there) friends. Why so excessive? I am not. I love talking to people, explaining things to new players and asking other players their opinions. If I message people frequenty enough, I feel justified in friending them. I also feel comfortable adding those who I hope to represent in Congress that way I can shout something and they will hopefully see it.


Sorry this was so long. Wasn't meant to be. In short,

Read everyone's platform as I already have done, a couple times.

Vote on May 25th whatever region you live in. You get free XP, but make sure, first, that you have the 35 XP required to vote.