[the Admiral] on internal affairs, and the cabinet

Day 2,206, 17:01 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by M. de Ruyter

Dear burghers of the eNetherlands!

Due to a bug, I wasn't able to publish anohter article, but finally the admins fixed it! So here are the views on our internal affairs,

Democracy as means, not goal
It’s great if you can be open about plans and if you have the time to write lengthy articles, but in reality a lot happens that you will never see. I urge everyone to stop pretending that it is in our country’s interest to just share everything with everyone and start motions about that in the name of Democracy. Even theoretically: what if we let people who just show up once every 3 weeks, who are clueless on game changes or international relationships, decide on important matters?

Everyone who is willing to put in the time and effort, can get to government positions where this information is available. But in times of war (and in a wargame there is no time of peace – only interbellum) information should not be out on the streets. My government will be open to everyone who wants to be part of my team, cooperative and constructive. No level required, no party background. The government is open, communication not.

Minster of Defence: Trannsvaal
state secretaries: ThanatostheMagnificent, theabsolutemonarch, Nakbula,

Minster of Foreign Affairs: Giovanni00
state secretaries: Piet Heyn, Jasper Zuidema, LeoOoNidaSBiH, WhiteTemplar, Irule777,

Minister of Finance: Weekstrom
state secretary: nictefa

Minister of Home Affairs: 071Leiden
state secretary: fosite

others will be added soon.

"Ïck wil van niemand geroemt noch opgehaalt worden, als ik slechts mijn gemoedt magh voldoen, en mijn orders uitvoeren".

M. de Ruyter