[TH]o Primary Election

Day 921, 15:54 Published in Thailand New Zealand by Thingol

Dear citizens of Thailand,

we are approaching the next presidential elections. Because of the usual PTO threat, we shall unite our votes on election day. There shall be only one Thai candidate, and I will determine this candidate by holding a primary election. As the only party president who is a long-term Thai, I invite all Thais to participate in this primary election. Your current party affiliation is not relevant. However, I reserve the right to reject votes from known TOers. Apart from that, the more votes the better the democratic result will be.

Please participate!

How do you participate? Simply send me a PM with the name of your preferred candidate until the end of May, 31st (eRepublik time).

And here are the candidates who have expressed their desire to run for president (sorted by the points in time when they announced their candidacies):

1. Nitrous Oxide (see his presentation)
2. Jimmy_Miller (see his presentation)
3. Edward Fett (see his presentation)

I believe that all three of them have Thailand's best interest in mind. Choose according to your own preferences, may it be the candidates' proven abilities or personal trust.

Happy voting!
