[Ten]My Trick Shot

Day 3,050, 00:06 Published in USA USA by GoneAndGone

Today’s a special day for us all. Not often do I step outside of myself created bubble of swag and dank to write a serious article. Especially not one about politics. But, today’s a different day. This term, in fact, has been different. Israel Stevens’s term here has left me feeling invigorated, with a new found motivation to play eRepublik. And as such, I’ve been doing a lot. I’m a Congressman for the fed party, have been actively involved in congressional debate, and have been helping the cabinet of Mr. Stevens in any way I can, and from those I’ve helped I’ve gotten much thanks. So, before we move to the meat of this, let’s set the mood with one of my favorite songs. You’re gonna wanna listen to this, it’ll set the mood real clear.

Click that picture for theme music yo.

Now then, let’s start this ride. I spoke on how I’ve helped several cabinet members this term, one of whom is our own Melissa Rose, Chief of Staff for Israel Stevens, and Presidential hopeful. At the start of the term, I helped her get settled in and offered my continued advice and support. I’ve come to find her to be a cool cat, and have actually read the articles she’s released. You should read them too, I’ll link them in a second. But first, let me give some snippets from them.

From her announcement article “A few months ago Israel posted on the AMP boards that there aren’t any honest campaign articles anymore and he challenged us all to be honest with our intentions.”

Ah yes. Honesty. I love honesty. I’m an incredibly honest person. At the end of the day, I’m always just me, Tenshibo. So I’m glad Melissa loves honesty too. So, let’s talk about honesty then.

“Watching newish players like MrCarey, Jaden A, Orikfricai, and Eddie A work their way up in national politics is inspiring. I’ve watched them get tossed around but never quit. “

That there quote is from her pre-announcement article

I agree with her there, watching these new players come up has been great. And I’ve had my spouts with all four of those players, but I like them for who they are. MrCarey is my Mensa FC brother, Orik gets me as far as programming goes (data structures fam, I cry everytime) and Eddie A was one of the few members of SFP who treated me with kindness when I was in SFP for a bit. I’m glad all three of them are part of our community. Sincerely.

Oh, and I didn’t forget Jaden. I’ve come to think of Jaden as an up-and-coming star. Yeah, she’s made mistakes, but foreign affairs is truly the hardest job in the executive besides the president. And, she didn’t really have a mentor like a lot of us did. But she’s handled it well, and has been well received by everyone… I thought.

The following is a conversation I had with Melissa the other night, in its entirety, for honesty’s sake. (bold added for you skimmers.)

MelissaRose: Total... drunk.. admission. I don't know how to make a cabinet application thing in google docs. been trying all afternoon. which is why I don't have one yet
Tenshibo: what u drinking fam?
MelissaRose: rum
MelissaRose: malibu and diet
Tenshibo: malibu
Tenshibo: thats a throwback.
MelissaRose: yeah well
MelissaRose: I'm out of anything else
Tenshibo: when i first started drinking, malibu and mnt dew was my drink.
Tenshibo: sometimes sunny d instead of dew.
Tenshibo: anyways
MelissaRose: oh that might be good
Tenshibo: for future referemnce
Tenshibo: heres how you make a cab app:
MelissaRose: that reminds me of a funny youtube vid I saw
Tenshibo: you open up google drive
MelissaRose: okay listening
Tenshibo: you clikc new, go down to more, hit google form
Tenshibo: itll have a tutorial apparently
Tenshibo: but ive never done that.
Tenshibo: essentially just mess around with the options there to generate text fields that are required to be answered
Tenshibo: have them be titled erep name, erep link
Tenshibo: then you use a paragraph field required, of past experience
Tenshibo: and then a check box option question with where you'd like to be put
Tenshibo: with the options being the different parts of the exec, and a final one of anywhere.
Tenshibo: if you're feeling adventorous, put down a field for references.
MelissaRose: oh that seems simple enough
Tenshibo: when you're done
Tenshibo: uitll look like this
Tenshibo: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1E21NM9VXg9IWaI4jYFVaJbsOghW2etQIfDuuyW2HTpM/viewform?formkey=dDhBYUNLU1d6U01EX3R2N1NMZlB3NVE6MQ
MelissaRose: thanks!
MelissaRose: oh and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdRo2NJJcUU
Tenshibo: no problem.
Tenshibo: oh jeese
Tenshibo: this woman looks classy af
MelissaRose: ikr
Tenshibo: thats so stupid, lol
* MelissaRose nods
Tenshibo: quality share fam
MelissaRose: 🙂
Tenshibo: btw, youre prolly not gonna make a cabinet application for just lil ol' me
Tenshibo: so consider this my official application.
MelissaRose: no I'm not but it's nice to know how
MelissaRose: IS suggested I make you my CoS
Tenshibo: oh werd. i'd be down yo, if you want.
Tenshibo: i know im not ideal, i come with baggage
Tenshibo: but i want to get back in eRep
Tenshibo: and i know how to do the job, if you'd have me.
MelissaRose: as long as you are willing to stay focused. You can be very good
MelissaRose: I'll have you.. as a new CP I need a kick as CoS
MelissaRose: figured that out being CoS
MelissaRose: ass
Tenshibo: swag
Tenshibo: lol, yeah, CoS's an interesting job.
MelissaRose: not to inform Jaden she is going to be a deputy instead. because honestly the promise i made her was last month before I realized what I was actually getting myself into
MelissaRose: and she is kinda sucky at some things

MelissaRose: eerr not =now
MelissaRose: and I need to sleep lol
Tenshibo: lol ighte
Tenshibo: let me know at some point what things shes quote "sucky at"
Tenshibo: so i know what i have to deal with.
MelissaRose: she's like a robot with FA
MelissaRose: I've seen people more personal with a rock

Tenshibo: i grew up watching THE rock, so that metaphor has no merrit to me.
Tenshibo: 😃
MelissaRose: haha with a wall?
Tenshibo: there we go.
Tenshibo: lol.
MelissaRose: she needs to loosen up
Tenshibo: thankfully im loosy goosey.
MelissaRose: yup
Tenshibo: maybe working under me will loosen her up.
Tenshibo: or not.
* Tenshibo shrugs
MelissaRose: or she'll quit
* MelissaRose shrugs

MelissaRose: night
Tenshibo: nn
Tenshibo: ty for the position btw
Tenshibo: swagswag

I love the smell of honesty in the morning

Honesty really is a great thing. Melissa, who speaks to highly of the need to promote new members in our community, to encourage them; Melissa who speaks against the ill shake she’s felt Jaden, Orik and others have gotten; Melissa who is now planning to use Jaden in her cabinet, is actively shit talking her behind closed doors.

Now, in case you think the shit talking was just a drunk mistake, let’s move onto a sober log. Melissa sent me this forum PM this afternoon, rescinding the Chief of Staff nomination to grant it onto the same person who she deemed “sucky.”

Truly a classic. Call someone a sucky, personality-less rock, back that up by calling out her performance in the only high level job she’s had, and then give them one of the most important jobs in the cabinet.

Before I continue Jaden, I want to apologize to you. I’ve enjoyed our chats on IRC, you seem like you’re gonna go places here; I’m actually shocked Mel’s running for CP, and not you, but alas, here we stand. If you have anything to say to me about this, feel free to hit me up. Sorry to drag you through this.

So, why release this all in an article? It’s a lot of work, and if I’m just going for drama, I could just query Jaden and send her all this. But, I have truly bought into Melissa’s campaign of honesty and transparency; Thus, I want to show all of you voters, across all the parties, who Melissa is. I’m not gonna follow this up with insults or accusations, all the evidence is there. You can decide if she’s a liar, if she’s a manipulator, if she’s just another “elite” like Oblige and Pfeiffer. Or, you can decide to ignore all this.

In the interest of transparency, I’m gonna share my last conversation with Melissa.

* Tenshibo pokes MelissaRose
Tenshibo: hey MelissaRose, you awake still?
* Tenshibo pokes MelissaRose again
MelissaRose: yes sorry trying to write
MelissaRose: not working
Tenshibo: lol, i feel that.
Tenshibo: anywho, i ment to respond to your pm earlier but got busy, figured i'd touch base on irc real quick.
MelissaRose: currently staring at a blank temblet right now
MelissaRose: templet
MelissaRose: whatever
MelissaRose: yeah I feel bad about that
Tenshibo: shits all gucci fam. it's kinda shit that you're going back on your word to me, cause like, you were quite adament on not giving a fuck about going back on your word to jaden
Tenshibo: but it's all politics fam.
Tenshibo: nothing personal, so no hard feelings.
Tenshibo: im gonna decline the dCoS job, cause it's a joke. you didn't mean it to be, but like, it's a joke of a job.
MelissaRose: it really is just politics and it's shit
Tenshibo: but like i said, shit's all gucci fam.
MelissaRose: okay
Tenshibo: if there's one thing i can do well, it's seperate politics and personal relationships.
MelissaRose: good because weirdly enough I actually like you
Tenshibo: so while im stronlgy disapointed, shits all gucci.
Tenshibo: everone likes me.
Tenshibo: im me.
MelissaRose: truth
Tenshibo: thats why i have access to everywhere even when my accounts dead.
Tenshibo: anywho, imma go to bed soon prolly, got a few things to finish up, and it seems like you got work to do, so good luck o/
MelissaRose: thanks

On that note, I’d like to close out by saying to you Melissa:

I was really damn high last night. I had to look at my chat logs to remember that I said we were all gucci.

I promised you it was just politics, and even though it’s not personal, this is a good article due to my willingness to be honest.

What I offer to you instead is to assist you. You’ve been very busy and will need a VP that can step in when you’re not being honest.

I’m sorry I honestly didn’t mean to say it’s all gucci and then write this… not very nice of me. I’ll understand if you are salty

...but then again, we did agree it’s just politics, so no hard feels right fam?