[Temujin94] Once more and Domestics

Day 1,443, 06:18 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by temujin94

I am once more asking the people of the eUnited Kingdom for a term as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom on the 5th of November.

About me:
I’m the current Prime Minister this month in which I think the UK has had a successful month. The war with Canada and Ireland has turned in our favour and we are winning battles both again Ireland and Canada. We managed to even gain a fruit region for a extra resource bonus and we have forced Ireland down to one last region, Cork. Domestically I think we’ve done well, we have got the ministries working again with a full compliment of staff and progress is being made, our Population has increased by about 20% which has left us in a much better position and brings in much needed new blood. Of course not everything went as we all would have wanted but I’ll be making changes where they are needed to be made and keeping what has worked well for us as I’ll explain in this article and my Foreign Affairs manifesto as well.

You don’t win anything with kids


As all us football supporters know this isn’t true. Anybody active in the eUK community realises we have a extreme shortage of CP candidates and this is down to mismanagement of our younger players. Money incentives this month in a bid to increase newer workers, which worked but now we need to mould this players into future ministers and CP’s. I try and maintain a newer generation of players for my cabinet, this month none of those in my ministries had ever been elected CP highlighting the fact that we need to train these ministers up and prepare them for the top job. I’d like to maintain this as the status quo and allow newer players to again apply for the ministry jobs (Details will be provided below for applications).

I’ll also be introducing a new scheme this month. It’s called the ‘Fastrack scheme’ which allows a player to work in multiple ministries in one term doing more specialized and intensive work. This hopefully will not only give them a wider range of experience but it will also allow us and them to see what sort of work load a minister has so if they ever are selected they know what is expected of them and they have the experience to cope with it.

Invalidation finding out the bad news.

My Deputy Prime Minister if elected will be Invalidation. He was the youngest person on my cabinet this month and he did a great job. As I’ve mentioned above I’m trying to encourage as many new ministers as possible and as you can see it is possible to get these positions if you are prepared to put the work in.


In the coming month I’d like to re-introduce the old ‘Forum Awards’ scheme. This was a very popular scheme that all players participated in. There is 3 different levels of awards, one tailored to newer players, one to intermediate players and one to the older players. These prizes not only give people something to aim for but it also provides them with additional supplies and the UK with additional damage.

If elected I am also looking to introduce a ‘Food and Social’ scheme which rewards new-born players with incentives to replying to PM’s from the MoHA and for meeting objectives in the PM. These rewards will be in the form of food to help them rank up quicker and make it worthwhile to reply to these PM’s. It also shows us what percentage actually read these messages if they are sent within 48 hours of somebody being born.

To help newer players with informational articles I want to form a ‘Publisher’s Society’ this would be open to all UK citizens who have written some kind of informational and useful article aimed at newer players. The benefits of joining such a society is that your article will be added to official papers such as the UK Today, that way your paper will receive more recognition, vote and subscriptions. The benefit for the UK in general is that we have multiple writers giving us multiple opinions on how best the newer players can play the game. The writers would be given one-two tasks in the month in which they had to write about a specific subject, we then promote their article in any way we can.

Ministry of Legislative Affairs

With Public Discussion dead the ministry has been a bit of a dead-end in recent months. Hopefully with a bit of effort we can turn this round in the coming month. I’ll be getting the MoHA to PM citizens informing them of the existence of PD as a meaningful way to improve the way the eUK is managed. To start and take part in new debates about how the country is run and what should be kept, removed and improved. I’ll also be encouraging the MoLA to start more regular debates on various subjects within PD if not to change legislation then to discuss other matters and how people see the current situation.

Emergy hoarding all the monies

Ministry of Finance:

The Ministry works very well it is at the moment and I wouldn’t like to make any major changes. They successfully run very many good schemes such as
this. The addition I will be making now is that the government will now be giving grants for the land purchased for companies. So whenever you want to build a company we can help you pay for the additional expenditure. This encourages more business owners and a healthier economy as our production as a whole increase

Cabinet Applications

I am talking applications for the following places:

Make all applications by PM here in-game or on the UK forums.

Candidate for Prime Minister