[TEM] Üleskutse areneva üksusega liitumiseks

Day 1,566, 10:43 Published in Estonia Estonia by Kaitseministeerium

Eesti suur abistaja ning toetaja Eurasia eesotsas Jonathan Joestariga soovis, et meie meedias avaldataks artikkel, mis kutsub liituma nende üksusega.
Kuna tegu on hea liitlasega, siis tulin tema soovidele vastu. Üksusega liitumine on vabatahtlik ning tuletan meelde, et Eestil on ka enda riiklikud üksused "Best" ja "Leegion" ning eraüksused "RMFE" ja "Pelmeen" millega on võimalik liituda.

My dearest friends,

We are founding the most powerful army in the world. This will not be a paramilitary group. It will be something bigger

Our aim is to gather a deadly team of EPIC, ABC and ONE players with exceptional Strength and In game power to protect our respective nation's interests.
This unit will be a newer version of the original Eurasia, whose Original roster, from 11 months back, can be found here: http://goo.gl/5gMxp
We're hoping to gather more and more members from Estonia.

I am honored to invite everyone to come and join us.
1- You won't have to leave your original MU to join us.
2- You won't have to wear the avatar to join us.[Only while fighting]
3- #Eurasia is our channel on IRC, come there for more application details.
4- Consider minimum hit to be at least around 6500 with Q6.
5- You don't have to work in any companies.

I hope you got the point.

Eurasia, strongest army in the remaking. You're invited [Indonesian version]
Eurasia, strongest army in the remaking. You're invited [Serbian version]
Eurasia, strongest army in the remaking. You're invited [Polish version]
Eurasia, strongest army in the remaking. You're invited [Hungarian version]
Eurasia, strongest army in the remaking. You're invited [Macedonian version]
Eurasia, strongest army in the remaking. You're invited [Korean version]