[TDK] I am Jack's smirking revenge.

Day 2,992, 07:45 Published in USA Pakistan by Nastoor

Mandatory theme music. ^_~

Citizens of the eUSA,

First of all, I apologize for not writing this sooner. I have not been able to find any time due to the current war, my fingers hurt and I'm exhausted. I have barely moved from the screen during the last 4 days, and my full attention was there setting CO's, coordinating battles, RW's and what not. But now things have calmed down, so here I am.

The war with Bulgaria, FYROM and Chile has reached a high point for us. During my last article, FYROM was kicked out. Today Bulgaria has accepted defeat, and soon Chile will go home. Their attacks will have accomplished nothing. Our cores remain intact, and they are going home with nothing to show for it. However, Bulgaria and FYROM put up a respectable fight, and for that I thank them and I respect them as an enemy. Above all, we had impeccable coordination with our soldiers and tanks who united and fought side by side during this war.

We are War Inc. We are Ubermensch. We are EZC. We are USAF. We are VMA-214 Black Sheep. We are Bear Cavalry. We are USA.


Moving on, in this part of the article I'll present my cabinet.

Vice President - rainy sunday
MoD team - Gnilraps, Hale Kane, Dinnyin
Secretary of media - Jaden A
Secretary of citizen affairs - Hale26

As you may notice, there is no CoS or SoS. This is on purpose. I deem the position of CoS unnecessary in the game as it is now, therefore I don't want to place responsibilities on another person for nothing.
As for SoS(MoFA) I will be serving that position myself, however I'll have a team of FA advisers to help me with it.
Also keep in mind, my MoD team and other secretaries will hire and bring aboard other people as they see fit, so these are subject to change later in the term.

I picked these people based on my experience with them. Jaden and Hale have been doing work consistently in their departments, something I haven't seen too much in those areas, which is why they will continue on from this month.

One of my most important goals for the next month include to keep our troops sharp and agile. We are sharks who miss blood. This war flexed some muscles, but if we don't keep this up we will lose the interest some people have gained in this game.

I will keep running the coordination threads that we have going on and actually graduate them to massive eUSA Slack chats. I prefer real-time communication with soldiers, so that will help. If you don't know what coordination threads I'm speaking of, these are threads which include our top fighters and we exchange battle orders, coordinate our fighting and much more. It is extremely helpful to direct damage and best of all, we don't have political debates or agendas there. Just soldiers fighting for what they love.

Adding to that, I will try to start as many communication avenues as I can, either on Skype, Slack or Whatsapp, whatever people prefer. I believe that precise coordination is still they key to this game, and will work on making this happen. Just the people, regardless of party lines, regardless of political affiliations.

As you might know, we are relatively weaker in the lower divisions. We have players with high strength, but they only 2 click because either they are not interested or they don't have the Infantry Kit(If you don't know what this is, ask). In order to remedy this issue, I will personally try to fund as many Infantry Kits as I can to our lower division soldiers so they may begin fighting again. We need to become a well-oiled fighting machine. A menacing opponent. Of course, any help with this is appreciated, as currently this plan will be completely on my shoulders. These kits won't be distributed willy nilly, preference will be given to players with high strengths and showing activity will be a requirement. I'll work with my SoCA to figure this one out.

As you may have realized, working out our military is going to be in my top priorities for this month.

And that is some of what I have in mind for the next month. I had planned to write a well-detailed article, but due to some RL commitments this is what you'll have to do with for now, my apologies if it's choppy somewhere.

Success is our only motherf**king option, failure's not.

I hope I can earn your vote and your trust to lead our nation. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

Thank you for reading,


The Dark Knight. ^_~