[TDK] A proposal for our government

Day 2,793, 21:50 Published in USA Pakistan by Nastoor


As many of you realize, every Tuesday is a very important day for a few reasons.

On every Tuesday, you begin your week in the Weekly Challenge, and practically, this is the day that you make or break the rest of your week.

Many people, especially those with scripts, usually try to reach to 10000 prestige points as soon as possible on this day, this takes us to +60 energy recovery, and all the rewards at this point onwards are energy bars.

In order to reach this point, what most of us do is we try to hit in the earliest epic battle we can find. We spend ~450 energy bars, and reach 10,000 PP. Obviously, epic battles are preferred to reach this point since they give twice the amount of PP than a normal battle. It's easy to profit from the Weekly Challenge if you achieve this task at the beginning of each week, and run scripts for the rest of it.

That's what I do, and usually end up with 100-200+ energy bars in surplus. And in doing that, I get a high amount of XP, rank and a good amount of TP as well.

Well not really, the last part isn't true.

You see, many countries out there attempt to start an epic as soon as possible, and they try to do it in regions with a high determination. Higher determination turns battles epic quicker. As in today, Hungary began a RW in a region and put in a CO at 30 cc/mil at 60,000 budget with the wall at 99%. So did Romania. But today wasn't the only week this happened, it usually happens every week. These countries try to get the epic so their soldiers can get TP damage and gain $. Sometimes the governments sponsor it using their treasury money or take private donations from citizens.

See, at the start of every week, I usually hit 800 million. That's 8,000 currency that I don't get.

We're unsure of how much damage it takes to make a battle epic, but if I, a single player, makes 8000 cc, a few of us together probably get a handful. Also, in my opinion, the absolute maximum amount needed to turn it into epic would be somewhere around 100,000 cc, but if the determination is higher, we'd need much lower.

So here is my proposal:

1- The government either sponsors epic battles using treasury money or from private donors. The government could set the CO for only US citizens, so the money doesn't get out of American hands. If the government gets involved, we could have a TW battle with another nation on the first day of every week, this would significantly divide and cut the costs for both sides.

2- Private military units decide to sponsor epic battles, or take donations from their members and people from outside the unit in order to fund this epic battle.

3- At day-change on Tuesday, we start resistance wars, or important battles. If RW, preferably in a region with a higher determination.

4- We use the money collected to set Combat Orders. We tank, reach 10,000 PP, get energy bars, make TP money & donate some of it back for next week.

And the cycle repeats until n.

If nothing, I personally am willing to begin such a campaign for epic battles. If the government or some other interested parties don't try to put a foot in, I could begin taking donations myself and use my MU to sponsor the epic battles, with your help.

Let me know in the comments section what you think. I'm not saying this is a perfect idea, so your suggestions could help me improve on it.

Thank you for reading,


The DarkKnight Rises.