[TCO]The 1st Legion, Irina, and a failed rescue attempt for Gemma!

Day 1,238, 00:15 Published in Canada Canada by Bruck's Canucks

The Crimson Canucks is now revealing that a failed rescue attempt was made on CAF headquarters, a member of the Crimson Search and Rescue team who wishes to remain nameless has gone on record to say

“We screwed up basically, who knew a star trek convention would be in town, the headquarters was empty and the only sign of Maj. Gemma was a message scrawled on her cell stating they make her dress up in costumes, we thought the CAF boys weren’t like that, we underestimated them, maybe they do like women”

The TCO newsroom obtained some photos of the CAF’s “dress up time” and were quick to report to the Crimson Canuck Rescue team that there’s no need to worry, what is going on is weird but hardly sexual in nature, we hope.

Please continue to hope for the speedy return of Maj.Gemma

Any Legion that has a roster thread still there started by Bruck must be a legion that has seen some miles. The 1st Crimson Calvary to put it simply can kick some ass, it has some huge hitters that have done some major damage. For me the 1st is one of those legions that I can send a newb to and not worry about them being forgotten and not included. There are many leaders within the 1st that for the love of god won’t leave and command their own legion, Maj. Pignon commands that much loyalty and along with the entire legion has fostered a level of companionship unseen in other legions. While it might have lost the Champion Legion Award after holding on to it for quite some time I’m sure it won’t be long till it gets it back or encourages the other legions to do that much better in order to win it themselves. -Crisfire

Current Roster

Captain - Francois L. Pignon
Lieutenant - Christian Russo
Sergeant - Decode Masala

Corporal - Bob Turkee
Corporal - Chaos24
Corporal - OLloyd
Corporal - Roflopolis
Corporal - M. Loiselle
Corporal - Spyder
Corporal - Danny W

Combined Strength - 20734
Total Damage done todate – 4105521

Major Francois L. Pignon-The Crimson Cavalry has had one of the lowest turnovers of any legion in TCO since I've been a member. We are so comfortable with each other that we have chosen to stay in place instead of accepting promotions. When you sign into #crimson on IRC, you're 90% likely to see one of us alive and kicking in there at any point throughout the day. Unit cohesion is our forte. We may not be the Champion legion anymore, but we are the best group of people TCO has to offer. In short, we attempt to exemplify what it means to be Crimson, and we do it well.

The Crimson Canucks is recruiting enthusiastic, active and dedicated eCanadians that wish to be something above the rest, something above even the best. We are a highly mobile fighting force that has spear headed many conflicts around the globe and bring to it a passion to see results and the enemy defeated.

When you join you will be welcomed and trained to be an elite fighting machine, it’ll take time but with dedication and perseverance your skill levels well increase and your damage output will be that much greater.

The Crimson Canucks is a family, you are not a stat and you are not a number.

The Crimson Canucks provides to its soldiers

- Food supply drops, not required to be on IRC

-Weapon supply drops

- A well organized military fighting force, promotion opportunities and a fun environment

- Frequent contests for Quality houses and money

- Forum medals and service and medal ribbons

-An opportunity to bring ideas to the table, lead fellow soldiers as officers and be a part of something bigger then yourself.

The Crimson Canucks offers you a chance to enjoy this game more, to make a bigger difference not only on the battle field but in the eCanadian community, to make you known and respected as a warrior and as a patriot.

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