[TCO] Goodbye to a Legend, Some Truthiness, and Ali Landry

Day 1,257, 00:02 Published in Canada Canada by Bruck's Canucks

The Crimson Order says goodbye to …..

Due to a loss of interest in the game Damien Wolf has decided to quit eRepublik and seek excitement elsewhere. He leaves behind a void that won’t be easy to fill if its even possible. He has been instrumental in The Crimson Order you see before you today and we owe a debt of gratitude for his enthusiasm, time and knowledge. Perhaps the greatest tribute to him is some of the many comments posted after he announced his departure.

“Today we lose an integral part of the TCO team, Damien Wolf. Damien has announced that he is leaving due to lost interest in the game.

I would just like to take this opportunity to say thank you for all the work you've done for TCO from your short stint in the legions to helping me in the academy to becoming an important part of the executive team.

This is a sad day for TCO and you will be sorely missed”

-Homer J Simpson

“Damien has not only put a lot of sweat and blood into TCO, for which we should be eternally grateful, but he also brought a touch of British class to this dump.

I blame the eIrish and their rampant anti-eUKism for running him off. Thanks a lot, guys (and girls).

I kid I kid!! I love all of you guys!

Thanks for everything DW - good luck in your future endeavours and hopefully you'll get bored of real life and come back some day”

-Kevin Cooper

“His generous donation of 200 gold to the Canadian war effort in December saved the F’ing country. When we were surrounded by UK and France, he stepped up and made it possible for us to turn the tide.

Of that, I have no doubt.

Cheers Damian. o7”


“Damien your a legend and a great laugh to buzz with, if im ever in Liverpool for a session or United match ill give you a shout

o7 boss it was an honor”

-Marcus Suridius

The three posts started, to say farewell to Damien Wolf were filled with salutes and well wishes, we wish Damien well and secretly or not so secretly hope that this is just a break and he will be back soon.

-The Crimson Order continues to charge ahead with its recrutment, its Canuck ranks swell with the Irish and the Devils have started to gain traction with recruits of there own from Australia and Sweden

-The Crimson Canucks Supplies all its soldiers 3 times a week with food and weapons automatically if you respond to a weekly roll call and work in a TCO company. When there is a mission or important battle we also supply via IRC with additional food and weapons

-The Crimson Order originally eschewed political affiliations. Political ideologies weren't a requirement of membership, just a love of freedom, fierceness on the battlefield and a rebellious spirit. Though many members have held political office, there have never been any party affiliation requirements for membership in TCO and the organisation as a collective remains apolitical.

The Crimson Canucks is recruiting enthusiastic, active and dedicated eCanadians that wish to be something above the rest, something above even the best. We are a highly mobile fighting force that has spear headed many conflicts around the globe and bring to it a passion to see results and the enemy defeated.

When you join you will be welcomed and trained to be an elite fighting machine, it’ll take time but with dedication and perseverance your skill levels well increase and your damage output will be that much greater.

The Crimson Canucks is a family, you are not a stat and you are not a number.

The Crimson Canucks provides to its soldiers

- Food supply drops, not required to be on IRC

-Weapon supply drops

- A well organized military fighting force, promotion opportunities and a fun environment

- Frequent contests for Quality houses and money

- Forum medals and service and medal ribbons

-An opportunity to bring ideas to the table, lead fellow soldiers as officers and be a part of something bigger then yourself.

The Crimson Canucks offers you a chance to enjoy this game more, to make a bigger difference not only on the battle field but in the eCanadian community, to make you known and respected as a warrior and as a patriot.

Click the COG and start your new eLife today, enlist and meet your full potential.

Click the COG and enlist!

Fritzhill-For his continued generosity towards the Crimson Canucks

Einberliner-For her recruiting enthusiasm and generosity

Addy Lawrence-For his continued generosity towards the Crimson Canucks

This articles eye candy is Ali Landry