[TCO]Gemma Stolen! The Crimson Fist! and Carmella!

Day 1,236, 23:58 Published in Canada Canada by Bruck's Canucks

Word has just reached us that a covert operation has been undertaken by elements within the Canadian Armed Forces to steal Gemma, the much loved and often loved mascot of The Crimson Order. It is said that The Crimson Order were lulled into a false sense of security as it is widely known that members of the CAF would rather play Dungeons & Dragons or eat thier boogers rather than entertain a women. It seems that the CAF has plans for Gemma, what those plans are is anyones guess, but we know its not for sex, I mean common.

poor poor Gemma

While Gemma is away suffering countless hours of un-use and slide shows of Chucky Norris’s trip to the US, The Crimson Order has found a replacement, more details further down in this article.

We ask for your prayers and hopes for a speedy return of Gemma.

To say the 8th got off to a good start would be an understatement, it hit the ground running and like Forrest Gump just keeps going. The 8th under a very active leadership team has made the legion something that should be emulated or as close as, after all even though new, it took The Champion Legion Award away from the 5th. -Crisfire

Current Roster

Captain Kevin Cooper
Lieutenant Toad
Sergeant Josh Carter

Corporal Wolfgang III
Corporal Exalted Druid
Corporal Studster1011
Corporal Gobbee
Corporal PabloTortilla
Corporal Artorius Perim
Corporal Shadowgui
Corporal CreamSoda

Combined Strength - 18329
Total Damage done todate – 1049910

Capt. Kevin Cooper-The mighty 8th Legion of The Crimson Canucks was formed on March 6, 2011, causing 7th Legion Captain SGT Rock to quip that the 7th Legion "is no longer in the rear with the gear".

I was promoted from Sergeant of the 2nd Legion Heavy Moose Cavalry while Lieutenant Toad and Sergeant Josh Carter were promoted from the 3rd Legion Thunder Dirty Beaver Boys. The Corporals of the 8th run the gamut from wet-behind-the-ears recruits, to active members cherry picked from the best other legions had to offer, to grizzled veterans who have returned to The Crimson Order after a leave of absence.

The 8th quickly set to work choosing a name for themselves. There were many suggestions, the Crimson Warriors, the Crimson Cobras, the Marmots of Mayhem, Satan's Soundrels and the Crimson Butchers among them. With the help of their Crimson brothers, the 8th chose Colonel crisfire's suggestion "The Crimson Fist" as their nom de guerre.

Since the 8th's creation, it has welcomed in a number of new recruits and encouraged them to become active members of The Crimson Order. For all of their efforts they were awarded the coveted Champion Legion Award on March 26, 2011.

The Crimson Fist continues to welcome new members and to foster the sense of brotherhood and camaradarie that makes CAF soldiers envious of their TCO counterparts (not to mention our bitchin' hot tub)

The Crimson Canucks is recruiting enthusiastic, active and dedicated eCanadians that wish to be something above the rest, something above even the best. We are a highly mobile fighting force that has spear headed many conflicts around the globe and bring to it a passion to see results and the enemy defeated.

When you join you will be welcomed and trained to be an elite fighting machine, it’ll take time but with dedication and perseverance your skill levels well increase and your damage output will be that much greater.

The Crimson Canucks is a family, you are not a stat and you are not a number.

The Crimson Canucks provides to its soldiers

- Food supply drops, not required to be on IRC

-Weapon supply drops

- A well organized military fighting force, promotion opportunities and a fun environment

- Frequent contests for Quality houses and money

- Forum medals and service and medal ribbons

-An opportunity to bring ideas to the table, lead fellow soldiers as officers and be a part of something bigger then yourself.

The Crimson Canucks offers you a chance to enjoy this game more, to make a bigger difference not only on the battle field but in the eCanadian community, to make you known and respected as a warrior and as a patriot.

Click the COG and start your new eLife today, enlist and meet your full potential.

Click the COG and enlist!