[TC] New Age of TC

Day 2,022, 22:58 Published in USA USA by blondeninja

The Training Corps has been a proud branch since it’s formation in 2009 from a division in the Home-guard unit. However instead of cramming more pride and wisteful history down your throats I’m hoping to bring you around to the new idea of TC and what it means to be a Training Branch. Namely this is the idea of specialization.

Much like Adam Smith’s idea of capitalism and the development of the assembly line TC’s specialization is a way to realize more efficiency in the eUS Military as an entire unit as well as to provide a more tailored and appropriate experience to the individual trainee. While in the past, especially in some of it’s more abundant years, TC has maintained a reserve division of sorts where graduates of the 1st Training Division would remain until they transfered. This served a purpose back then but as the game develops and metagame mechanics adapt fittingly TC must follow suit and pull the idea of a longer term member. And so the new section will be one more structured to adhere to the new idea of providing battle ready troops and enthusiastic new leaders to branches that not only need these people but are inherently designed to function as a niche for this kind of individual.

TC is changing, training is changing, and not only is it more streamlined and custom but it is far improved to the older model. You can be part of this new wave of training and you can be the next leader in one of our awesome branches!

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