[TAMMP] The Allied Media Mogul Project - Croatia

Day 649, 01:54 Published in Croatia USA by The Allied Media

The Allied Media Mogul Project

For the citizens in EDEN/Fortis and allied nations: eCanada, eCroatia, eFinland, eGreece, eIsrael, eNorway, ePoland, eRomania, eSouth Africa, eSpain, eSweden and eUSA.

Get your own Media Mogul Medal by joining this project. That medal is hard to get on your own, but if we help each other, through this project, many more players will receive the medal.

The money goes to the allied war effort. To participate you will have to donate 5 gold in advance. You will get the 5 gold back with the medal when your newspaper reaches 1000 subscribers. All the collected money will be donated to The Allied Forces and used in the allied war effort. Make sure you donate from the account with your newspaper. Donations from OR accounts will be assumed to be plain donations, and not part of this project.

Easy subscriptions from newspaper list. Someone has to click the subscribe buttons, and we ask you to do it, as part of your payment to get the medal. You can't subscribe 1000 times to your own newspaper, but you can subscribe to 1000 other newspapers, and their owners will subscribe to your newspaper in return. We provide a list with only those newspapers that take part in this project.

Follow these instructions:
1. Start your own newspaper.
2. Donate 5 gold to The Allied Media.
3. Every day open the newspaper list and subscribe from the top, and don't forget your OR accounts.

Donate even more money. Help the allied war effort by donating to The Allied Forces. Every coin helps! Think not of what everyone else do or don’t do, think of what you can do for your right to independence and freedom – contribute to our common fight. Read more in The Allied Paper.

Help us spread the word. Tell your friends and relatives. The more people who join this project, the more subscribers and newspapers we get, and the more money we collect for our armed forces.

Place this banner/userbar at the bottom of your articles and in your forum signature.

Use this BB-code line to make the banner a clickable link to the project site. Remove the 4 plus-signs.

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is this a scam? Is the money safe?
A: This is not a scam. The money is safe. The people behind this project are active at the highest level of the war effort among the allied nations. We guarantee that 100% of the money collected through this project will be used in the war against PEACE GC. You may verify this by browsing the The Allied Forces donation list.

Q: Your account was banned. What happend?
A: The Allied Media OR account received a 3 day suspension by the Admins. Quote from the Law Infringement information: though Media Mogul campagins are not illegal, scripts to automatically do anything in the game are illegal. In order to comply with the rules, we have since removed the script and everything connected with it. The project will continue as before, but subscriptions will have to be done manually.

Q: I don't have 5 gold. Can I join anyway?
A: The main reason why we run this project is to collect money for the war effort. That is why we make the donation of 5 gold a requirement. Think of it as a donation where you actually get something in return: subscribers. Use any of the many methods of earning gold in eRepublik to raise 5g. Once you have 1000 subscribers, you get the 5 gold back with the medal.

Q: Can you promise that I will get the medal?
A: No we can't. In order to get the media mogul medal, your newspaper needs 1000 subcribers. We can't guarantee that 1000 players will click the subscribe button on your newspaper. But we can guarantee that we will do our best to reach 1000 subscribers for all newspapers on the list. You can improve the odds by subscribing with your OR accounts, and by making more people join the project. Tell your friends about TAMMP.