[Talon] A Vital Day for the UK

Day 1,166, 11:14 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Talon Karrde
[Talon] A Vital Day for the UK.

My Friends,

Get your groove on... Tomorrow is a gravely important day for the UK.

With the Party Presidential elections, we have an opportunity to decide the future of our political institutions and the course they will take for the next month. As you go to the polls tomorrow, you will be deciding which of many candidates is worthy of the mantle of leader; for some, experience is desirable, and for others a youthful energy. The winners of this election have the power to choose who the parties will support in the congress and presidential elections, but more than that, they have a responsibility to serve those that elected them.

When I vote for a candidate, I always vote for someone that I agree with in terms of policy- that is my first priority. But always coupled with that, I vote for someone that I know is out to serve their compatriots. The influential and powerful should serve those that put them into that position, always. They should not seek to dominate, to control, or to exploit but rather to lead, guide and edify their party to reach better, greater heights than ever before.

Sitting here on my couch, laptop in hand and almost completely retired from politics in eRepublik, I can acknowledge a painful truth to you all now- I and others from TUP have not always met these ideals I talk about. I have always managed to convince myself that my motives were pure, that service and necessity required me to rule, but with the benefit of hindsight comes perspective:

I, and others from the old leadership, were simply wrong to think or act this way.

I'm still shaking my head...

That said, and now with myself retired and others having left the country entirely, we find ourselves with an opportunity. For the first time in five years, TUP has no elites. No privileged and influential players waiting in the wings to take over. And with this opportunity the ideals of unity can be brought to the fore once more.

Through all my history in the game, the ideals of TUP have remained the same: That we are greater together than apart. Better unified than divided. Greater than the sum of our parts. Unfortunately in recent years this message has become clouded by the personalities of the party, but now we have an incredible opportunity to reclaim these values and strive for them in the UK once more. This opportunity makes tomorrow’s election even more vital for the party, because we have the opportunity to elect a person that embodies these ideals, that will serve the party and work hard to see those values brought to the fore once more.

VoodooMike71 has written this article on the candidates standing in the election this time. I agree with his conclusions, and have made my choice as to where my vote will go this time: I will be voting for Madelina de Melrose.

Madelina is relatively new on the UK scene, but has already excelled at helping new players as minister for education, successfully setting up a separate scheme called the eBrit University to help teach newer players the ropes and provide rewards. More than that, in planning her election campaign Madelina has taken nothing for granted, and worked very hard to earn every member’s vote.

In her and the way she operates I can clearly see the principles of unity embodied. In her I can see a hard worker that will take nothing for granted. In her I can see someone willing to serve, to guide, to aid. In her I can see a positive vision for the future, not only for TUP but for the country too. I am completely confident that if elected, Madelina’s TUP will be positive, productive and beneficial to the UK, which hasn’t perhaps always been the case in recent years.

Madelina will put the lights back on in the TUP spaceship, as it were.

I miss the friends I had in TUP that have decided to move on, and will always be thankful to them for the hard work and incredible feats they have accomplished with TUP, but I think their retirement and my own is clearly beneficial, both for the party and for us. To them I say thank you for all these years we have spent together, and here’s to many more as friends too.

To those that would wish the party ill, and would seek to dominate, control and exploit, I beg you to reconsider. If Madelina is to win this election, I do not forsee a month of confrontation, but of bridge building, honest debate and positivity. We will not merely fall into the role of opposition as some might, but will honestly consider each idea and each person on their own merits. Past actions will be forgiven and a clean slate created. I do not jest when I say that unity truly is the goal of our party.

Finally, to those able to vote in the party election tomorrow: I implore you to vote for Madelina de Melrose, an extremely capable woman and an exciting candidate for the party presidency.

Positive vision for the future is what I’m after- and Madelina can and will deliver that.

Strength Through Unity!

Talon Karrde
Some old retiree

Stay Classy!