[SWDL] A Survival guide in the TUP

Day 1,026, 12:56 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Joniff

While its quiet on the newspaper front, I offer you the Sheep worrying defence league guide to survival in the TUP.

1. This is your new home

2. These are your new friends

3. This is your new leader

4. This is how Party Presidents elections happen

5. This is your free party food

6. What happens if you don’t agree with your new party.

7. Meeting the PCP conference

8. What happens if you still don’t agree

9. What happens if you stay too long in the TUP

10. And finally what the U actually stands for in TUP.

This message brought to you by the Sheep worrying defence league – Because we care.

Just another chimp in need of a woolly jumper.