[Surprise] My ranking for last 7 days

Day 2,220, 23:26 Published in India Serbia by 0pt1mus Pr1me

This morning, I got a fine surprise while I was casually checking over the ranking page.

May be its because of lack of significant fight in India during this period or may be because I went into FF medal hunting spree which resulted into 10 FF medals for me and one of the first 50 people to have 10 FF medal in India, but to me this screen which shows that I was #5 in terms of XP gaining, have a huge value to myself.
Some of you guys would say that gaining loads of XP isn't good at the beginning, as it increases the level while people have very little strength and thereby stopping that profile to have significant effect on the fights. But hey, there is other modules than the fight module where I intend to spend most of the time in future (i.e. helping our newbies with food & weapon, and having small dispatch during important war). Although many will also say that economy module of this game has been destroyed, but I found it interesting enough to play with it. If I fail, then I always have the option to start over. 🙂

P.S. Media is never silent. 😛