Stop treating rising as a beta please

Day 961, 11:32 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Happy Factory

Spanish version:

(to all readers, please send a ticket to the admins with a link to this article and request for a rollback)

to admins:
Stop treating rising as a beta please

Quote from one of our replies:

"They should rollback do a proper beta with admins on irc talking with the testers,they shoudl also do some development hours on irc and listen to ideas and answer questions from the community"

PLEASE GIVE US SUCH A BETA!, what kind of JOKE is this, the 'beta' period of hardly a week, without ANY communication AT ALL, and now a migration to some half-done rising, which is CLEARLY not finished. How do you expect us to succesfully run bussinesses in a world that is not finished and keeps changing, without ANYONE knowing what's going on?

Beta has been way too short, you're adjusting things on the fly, possibly hurting tons of companies who invested alot of time or real life money to get all the gold needed to build up some companies.

while the beta period is over (way too soon) and we are now playing on a real server, still you are changing a lot of formula's

what's worse, you're not even telling the community what you are doing.

this will seriously hurt the economy even more and more (while it's allready down on it's knees) and eventually make it collapse so much that it's nearly impossable to recover.

the best solution would be a rollback to day 959 and do some more testing on the beta.

don't release Rising before:

1) the formula's are right
2) the company owners and the citizens know about the formula's and got the time to adjust their tools and calculators to this formula's so they can actually make a bussiness plan instead of being thrown in the dark and have to fight to find out if their bussiness will survive or go bankrupt in the first few days of operation.

i release you are doing your best to fix the problems, but don't you see you only create more problems by leaving everyone in the dark?

you can change the formula's as often as you like, but every time you change anything (especially without a notice PRIOR to the updates) it's going to create MORE confusion, and you'll go further and further away from point 2 on the list.

the big resistance against v2 is NOT because v2 is flawed (well for the most part) because in their hearth, everyone wanted a change (even tho some don't realise it) the problem is that there isn't enough TRANSPIRANCY and CLARITY.

before the sudden changes, you should have INFORMED us about the exact formula's and given us the time to ADAPT TO IT.

THAT, is what is creating resistance, and THAT is what caused the economic trouble. everyone is AFRAID because they don;t know what to expect. everything can change at any time.

you can't continue like this, it will seriously damage the game and the economy beyond repair!

this is no request, this is a warning, if you care just a bit for the economy, do a rollback, another beta (for at least a month) and give us the formula's at least a week before the launch, so that we can produce tools and calculators and make bussiness plans.

i'm sure a big site like this has backups, i'm sure it's not too late.


sign and shout this please. it's important




4"> since Day 962 16:17 (i forgot to place it earlier, it probably has about 800 views more)